Friday,  09/20/2024

The 3rd Lang Son Provincial Business Association Congress, term of 2023-2028

In 2 days, August 22 and 23, in Lang Son city, the Lang Son Business Association held the third congress, term of 2023-2028 with the theme “Solidarity – Innovation – Creation – Development”.

Mr. Nguyen Quoc Doan, Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, delivered a keynote speech at the Congress

Attending the congress were Mr.Nguyen Quoc Doan, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee; Mr.Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; Mrs. Doan Thi Hau, Member of Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Chairwoman of Provincial People’s Council.

On the central side, there were leaders of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry; leader of the Vietnam International Arbitration Center.

According to the report at the congress, in the term of 2018-2023, The Provincial Business Association has closely followed the direction of the Provincial Party Committee, the People’s Council, the Provincial People’s Committee to effectively performed the function of representative to protect the legitimate rights and interests of members, actively carry out the tasks assigned by the province; proactively, flexibly and promptly reported to the leaders of the province and sectors about the difficulties and problems of businesses; accompanied with member businesses to implement many solutions to prevent the COVID-19 pandemic, help businesses overcome difficulties, stabilize production, and ensure jobs for employees.

Mr. Pham Tan Cong, Chairman of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry spoke at the Congress

During the term, the association admitted 57 new members, bringing the total number of members in the association to more than 600 businesses; established 3 new branches, the association currently has 13 affiliated member units.

The Executive Board of Lang Son Business Association took souvenir photos with the provincial leaders

In addition, the association also regularly participates in critique of central and provincial policies; proactively coordinate with departments and sectors in improving the business investment environment, enhancing competitiveness at provincial and departmental, sectoral and local levels.

Provincial leaders were awarded medals for the cause of construction and development of the Lang Son Provincial Business Association by the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry

Simultaneously, during the term, the association mobilized member businesses to contribute to support social security activities with a value of over 100 billion VND, in which donated tens of  billions VND to the province’s COVID-19 prevention fund…

Entering the term of 2023-2028, the Provincial Business Association continues to build and strengthen a strong and professional apparatus; focuses on developing members, protecting legitimate interests of businesses; strengthens the promotion of production and business activities, create more jobs for laborers…

Speaking at the congress, the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee acknowledged, highly appreciated and congratulated the results that the Provincial Business Association has achieved in the past term.

The Secretary noted: The Provincial Business Association continues to focus on supporting and creating conditions for businesses to develop; promptly grasp the thoughts, aspirations, problems, difficulties and recommendations of businesses to report to the authorities to remove problems, objectives, clear bottlenecks in production and business activities.

The Secretary also emphasized: Each business and entrepreneur of the association continues to uphold the national spirit, ethics, business culture, social responsibility, from there building harmonious and highly responsible labor relations with employees and the community and society; arouse the desire to start a business, take the lead and lead the business team in economic development.

Along with that, businesses continue to build the image of a self-reliant, dynamic, creative entrepreneur; business owners create favorable conditions for the formation and development of party organizations and mass organizations in bussinesses, actively participate in social, humanitarian and charity activities so that the association truly becomes a common roof, a reliable address, and a solid support for the business community.

The Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee affirmed: The province is always interested in accompanying and creating conditions for the association and the business community to operate effectively.

Within the framework of the program, the Congress elected the 3rd Executive Committee of Lang Son Provincial Business Association, term of 2023-2028, including 50 members; Mr. Ho Phi Dung, Chairman of the Lang Son Provincial Business Association, term of 2018-2023, continued to be elected to hold the position of Chairman of the Provincial Business Association for the term of 2023-2028.

At the congress, collectives and individuals with achievements for the cause of construction and development of the Lang Son Business Association in the 2018-2023 period were awarded medals and emulation flags of the Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Association of Small and Medium Bussinesses.

On this occasion, the Joint Stock Commercial Bank for Foreign Trade of Vietnam (Vietcombank) awarded Lang Son province 2.5 billion VND to carry out social security activities in the province in the near future.