Friday,  09/20/2024

Signing a program to coordinate in career counseling and job introduction for youth union members and young people in the period 2023-2025

On the morning of September 26, the Provincial Children’s Palace and the Provincial Employment Service Center signed a program to coordinate in career counseling and job introduction program for youth union members and young people during the period of 2023-2025.

Provincial Youth Union leaders spoke at the signing ceremony

Accordingly, the two units will coordinate to implement the following contents: organizing career counseling programs for  youth union members, young people and student in the province; organizing “Lang Son Youth – career opportunities”; “Job Fair” days… for youth union members, young people and those who are looking for jobs; organizing career counseling and job introduction programs for soldiers who are young soldiers in the province before completing their military service; organizing career counseling, job introduction, career orientation, and other educational programs within the plans and programs of the Provincial Employment Service Center and Children’s Palace; implementing other related contents organized by the Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs and Lang Son Provincial Youth Union. They aim to organize career counseling and job introduction for youth union members and students once a month of more.

In the implementation, the two units will regularly exchange information to ensure the smooth implementation of the planned content and appoint members in charge of connection to promptly notice and solve difficulties and problems arise in order to ensure the rights and interests of youth union members and workers.

The leaders of the Provincial Children’s Palace and the Provincial Employment Service Center sign a plan to coordinate in a career counseling and job introduction program for youth union members and young people in the period 2023-2025

The signing of a coordination plan between the two units promotes and builds a regular and effective working relationship between the Provincial Employment Service Center and the Lang Son Children’s Palace. At the same time, it improves the learning capacity, understanding and opportunities to work in developed countries around the world for young people, students of  local high schools, vocational – continuing education centers through job introduction and consulting programs for youth union members, young people wishing to work abroad under contract, who are looking for jobs in the province and in other provinces.