Friday,  09/20/2024

Join hands to build model new-style rural residential area

After nearly 5 years since there was a set of criteria for model new-style rural residential areas, with the support resources of the State and the cooperation of the people, the implementation of building rural residential area models in the area has had clear changes in both quantity and quality.

People take care of the green fence in the model new-style rural residential area of Yen Thanh village, Yen Trach commune, Cao Loc district

In 2014, there were 2 communes in the province met the new rural area standards and to date, the whole province has 86/181 communes recognized as new rural  commune standards. After being recognized as meeting standards, communes continue to consolidate and improve the quality of criteria, including choosing to build new rural residential model areas. From there, it creates an important premise to build advanced new rural communes and new rural area models.

In 2016, when the province did not have a set of criteria for building model new-style rural residential area, a number of new rural communes in the province gradually learned and built outstanding residential area models in certain fields such as production development, environmental landscape… By 2017, relevant units developed temporary guidelines and by 2019, the Provincial People’s Committee officially issued a set of criteria for model new-style rural residential area in the province. From now on, the building of model new-style rural residential area in the province has been implemented more methodically and effectively.

Mr. Nong Van Hieu, Party Cell Secretary, Head of Dong Nhat village, Cuong Loi commune, Dinh Lap district said: In 2017, Cuong Loi commune was recognized as meeting new rural standards. In the following years, people in the village continued to actively join hands to consolidate and improve the quality of the achieved criteria. By 2020, through review and evaluation, the People’s Committee of Cuong Loi commune has chosen to build the residential area of Dong Khoang hamlet, Dong Nhat hamlet into a model new-style rural residential area.

To implement the implementation, in addition to the State’s support resources (200 million VND), the people in the village contributed more than 50 million VND worth of effort and money to jointly implement the criteria for model new-style rural residential area. From that resource, people in the residential area have built 300 meters of flower beds; Plant 300 meters of green fences and flowers; installed 6 sets of village road lighting; built cultural institutions; construction of wastewater ditches; built garbage incinerators;… By 2021, the residential area of Dong Khoang hamlet, Dong Nhat village, Cuong Loi commune has been recognized as meeting the standards of a model new-style rural residential area.

Similar to Cuong Loi commune, after being recognized as meeting new rural area standards, villages in Chi Lang commune and Chi Lang district also focused on consolidating and improving the quality of criteria and implementing the construction of model new-style rural residential area. Mr. Nguyen Duc Hieu, Party Cell Secretary, Head of Quan Bau village – Dong Ngau, Chi Lang commune said: In 2022, Quan Bau village, Dong Ngau was selected to build model new-style rural residential area. To implement it, in addition to the 200 million VND supported by the State, the people in the village contributed more than 360 million VND and hundreds of days of labor to build the village cultural house. Previously, each household in the village contributed about 600 thousand VND to upgrade roads, reinforce bridges, install lighting systems… The appearance of the residential area is constantly changing, by the end of 2022, The residential area of Quan Bau village – Dong Ngau is recognized as meeting the standards of model new-style rural residential areas.

Along with the two model new-style rural residential areas mentioned above, after being recognized as meeting new-style rural standards, new-style rural communes in the province have reviewed and selected to build new-style rural residential areas. To implement, from 2019 up to now, relevant levels and sectors have integrated and allocated nearly 40 billion VND to support new-style rural communes; People reciprocated over 30 billion VND (including cash, land donation, and work days) to join forces to build model new-style rural residential areas.

Along with that, the Provincial New-style rural Construction Coordination Office and relevant agencies have organized training and guidance on building model new-style rural residential areas to 100% of new-style rural communes; organized propaganda about building new-style rural area, building model new-style rural residential area to each village and residential area of new-style rural commune…

Mr. Nguyen Van Khanh, Quang Hoa village, Cuong Loi commune, Dinh Lap district said: In 2020, Quang Hoa village residential area was recognized as meeting the standards of model new-style rural residential area. Through the construction process, the rural appearance in the residential area is constantly being innovated, the village trunk roads and alleys and hamlets are concreted spaciously; along both sides of the road are planted flowers and trees; Lights are installed along the village roads… Not only has the appearance changed, since the completion of the construction of the model new-style rural residential area until now, periodically on the 15th and 29th of every month, people in the village gather together to clean up the village roads and alleys. Such periodic activities not only make an important contribution to preserving environmental hygiene, but also increase the attachment and solidarity of the people in the village.

Along with the model new-style rural residential areas mentioned above, the appearance of many other model new-style rural residential areas in the province is also constantly changing. Among them, there are outstanding model new-style rural residential area such as: model new-style rural residential areas in Quan Thanh and Bai Hao villages in Chi Lang commune, Chi Lang district; model new-style rural residential areas in Trung Cap village, Mai Pha commune, Lang Son city; model new-style rural residential areas in Hoan Trung village, Chien Thang commune, Bac Son district…

Mr. Hoang Dang Dung, Deputy Chief of the Provincial New-style rural Construction Coordination Office, said: After building and completing the criteria, the appearance of many model new-style rural residential areas in the province has clearly changed. Notably, the infrastructure system is invested and upgraded; The landscape of village roads and alleys is kept bright – green – clean and beautiful; People are more united and attached…

Not only that, the completion of model new-style rural residential areas in new-style rural communes creates a spillover to other villages and residential areas in the area. Thereby, they gradually contributing to helping the commune complete higher goals in building new-style rural areas.