Friday,  09/20/2024

Talks to coordinate and improve customs clearance capacity of goods through border gates

On the morning of October 25, at Tan Thanh Border Gate, a talks took place between the Delegation of Lang Son province (Vietnam) and the Delegation of the People’s Government of Bang Tuong town (Guangxi, China) to agree on measures to improve customs clearance capacity of goods through border gates of the two sides.

Participating in the discussion program, the Delegation of Lang Son province (Vietnam) had Mr. Le Van Thang, Head of the Management Board of Dong Dang Economic Zone – Lang Son as the delegation leader and leaders of a number of departments, sectors, commissions and functional forces of Lang Son province; The Delegation of the People’s Government of Pingxiang City (Guangxi, China) had Mr. Wu Xiao Hui, Secretary of the Party Committee of Pingxiang City, as the head of the delegation and leaders of related units.

Overview of the talks

At the talks, the two sides discussed and clarified a number of contents related to the promotion of import and export of goods; preparations for the official expansion of the Huu Nghi border gate pair (Vietnam) – Huu Nghi Quan (China); Implementation of pilot construction of Vietnam – China smart border gate;…

Speaking at the talks, the Head of Lang Son Provincial Delegation emphasized: On September 21, 2023, the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a diplomatic note to the Vietnamese Embassy in China stating that the Chinese side has prepared relevant conditions to announce the expansion of Youyi Guan land border gate (expanded to two openings: Puzhai and Nong Yao, Guangxi, China). The officially approved expansion of the international border gate pair of the two province and region will improve customs clearance capacity, promote economic and trade cooperation between Vietnam and China in particular, and between ASEAN and China in general.

Mr. Le Van Thang, Head of the Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son Economic Zone (Lang Son province, Vietnam) – Head of the Lang Son Provincial Delegation

To properly carry out the preparation work and ensure smooth customs clearance of goods after the official announcement of expanding the area of Huu Nghi International Border Gate (Vietnam) – Youyi Guan (China), the representative of the Delegation of Lang Son province requested the People’s Government of Pingxiang town to fully prepare the conditions to work with Lang Son province to officially operate customs clearance of goods through the specialized route for transporting goods in border marker No.1088/2-1089 (Tan Thanh, Vietnam) – Puzhai (China). The operation of customs clearance of goods through the border marker No. 1088/2 – 1089 is carried out similarly to the customs clearance of goods through the border marker No. 1119-1120 (Huu Nghi – Youyi Guan),goods delivery methods are carried out according to international practices.

For the Coc Nam (Vietnam) – Nong Yao (China) border gate, consider unifying the promotion of upgrading, aiming to turn this border gate area into a customs clearance route belonging to the Huu Nghi (Vietnam). – Youyi Guan (China) border gate pairs.

Mr. Wu Xiao Hui, Secretary of Pingxiang town Party Committee (Guangxi, China) discussed related content at the talk show

Discussing related issues at the discussion program, Secretary of the Party Committee of Pingxiang affirmed that with the efforts of both sides, in recent times, the efficiency of customs clearance for import and export of goods through pairs of border gates has been greatly improved. Regarding the contents proposed by Lang Son province, the People’s Government of Pingxiang town will implement steps according to regulations to soon promote implementation.

Through this talks, the two sides discussed and clarified a number of issues to continue to create conditions for goods from both sides to be cleared smoothly. In particular, it is basically agreed that the two sides continue to pay attention and coordinate to further strengthen cooperation in building, managing, opening and upgrading border gates, especially in expanding the pair of Huu Nghi ( Vietnam) – Youyi Guan (China) border gates; jointly promote the early implementation of building a smart border gate model; At the same time, two sides continue to research and apply solutions to facilitate customs clearance, promptly coordinate to remove difficulties and solve arising problems to ensure smooth circulation of goods.