Friday,  09/20/2024

Provincial National Assembly delegates express opinions and contribute to the implementation of 3 national target programs

Continuing the second working week program of the 6th Session of the 15th National Assembly, in October 30, at the National Assembly Building, under the chairmanship of National Assembly Chairman Vuong Dinh Hue, The National Assembly discussed in the hall the implementation of the National Assembly’s resolutions on National Target Programs: building new rural areas for the period of 2021 – 2025; sustainable poverty reduction in the period of 2021 – 2025; Socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the period of 2021 – 2030.

Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong moderated the discussion

Moderating the meeting, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly Tran Quang Phuong stated that after more than 2 years of implementation, the implementation of the National Target Program is still slow and unstable, affecting the results and goals of the program as well as socio-economic goals. Therefore, Resolution No. 47 of 2022 of the National Assembly has determined the 2023 supervision program and decided to choose supreme supervision of this topic in order to fully identify problems, difficulties, and causes and promptly resolve them, helping to implement the 3 National Target Programs more effectively.

The Vice Chairman of the National Assembly proposed that delegates focused on discussing the key contents of the monitoring report, especially the role, meaning, and relationship of the three National Target Programs of the previous period with this period, and between the three programs of this period; appropriateness and science in determining subjects, areas, policy content, criteria, and targets to achieve real socio-economic development, poverty reduction, and new rural area building.

The Overview of the discussion session in the hall on implementing the National Assembly’s Resolutions on the 3 National Target Programs

Delegate Chu Thi Hong Thai, Lang Son Provincial National Assembly Delegation, spoke at the conference hall

Speaking at the discussion hall, delegate Chu Thi Hong Thai of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation said that the reciprocal rate of the National Target Program on new rural construction is high, ưhile the budget revenue sources of some localities are still limited, it is difficult to balance local budgets to ensure reciprocity according to regulations. Therefore, the delegate proposed that the Government consider and amend the corresponding rate for provinces receiving large support from the central budget, so that the province can balance local capital without losing support from the central budget.

At the same time, the delegate recommended that the National Assembly and the Government consider increasing investment capital for mountainous provinces and provinces that receive large budget support from the central government to carry out transportation projects, especially in mountainous areas.

Regarding the implementation of social policy credit, delegates agreed with the draft resolution of the National Assembly to pay attention to increasing capital to implement social policy credit from central and local budgets entrusted to the Bank for Social Policies, expanding the scope, beneficiaries, raising loan limits to implement National Target Programs, however, delegates proposed that the National Assembly and the Government consider reducing interest rates for a number of programs to support poor households to develop production.

Regarding the level of support for poor households in housing construction, delegates said that the support level for new construction of 40 million VND/household and 20 million VND/household for repairs is not enough to ensure the 3 “hard” quality requirements after receiving support. Delegates proposed that the Government research and consider increasing the level of house construction support to 70% to 80% of the housing value that meets the criteria for poor households.


THANH HUYEN - Office of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation & People's Council