Friday,  09/20/2024

Vietnam, Indonesia hold third defence policy dialogue

Deputy Minister of National Defence Sen. Lieut. Gen Hoang Xuan Chien and Secretary General of the Indonesian Ministry of Defence Lieut. Gen Donny Ermawan Taufanto co-chaired the third Vietnam-Indonesia defence policy dialogue in Hanoi on October 31.
Vietnam, Indonesia hold third defence policy dialogue hinh anh 1At the third Vietnam-Indonesia defence policy dialogue. (Photo: VNA)

At the dialogue, Deputy Minister Chien affirmed that Vietnam consistently follows the foreign policy of independence, self-reliance, peace, friendship, multilateralisation and diversification of ties, and the defence policy of “four nos”, including no partaking in military alliances, no siding with one country to act against another, no foreign military bases in the Vietnamese territory or using Vietnam as leverage to counteract other countries, and no use of force or threatening to use force in international relations.

Taufanto, for his part, described defence ties as one of the pillars in bilateral comprehensive cooperation and pledged to reinforce mutually beneficial defence ties that match the significant potential of both countries.

The two sides shared the view that bilateral collaboration based on agreed contents at the second dialogue has brought about important results in various areas, including the exchange of delegations at all levels, maintaining consultation and dialogue mechanisms, cooperation between different military branches, training and mutual support at multilateral forums led by ASEAN.

The Vietnamese side spoke highly of the signing of an agreement on joint training procedures in December 2021 between the two navies, and an MoU on cooperation in maritime security and safety between the two coast guard forces in December 2022, laying the foundation to improve the effectiveness of law enforcement cooperation activities at sea.

Host and guest also commended the outcomes of the fifth meeting of the joint working group on defence-military cooperation and the third meeting of the joint working group on defence industry cooperation held the same day.

About future cooperation orientations, they reaffirmed their commitment to further enhancing result-oriented and effective bilateral defence cooperation, to contribute to the two countries’ efforts toward upgrading their ties to comprehensive strategic partnership, with a focus on the exchange of all-level delegations, effective consultation and dialogue mechanisms, practical and effective coordination between naval forces, coast guards, defence industries, training and strategic research, and areas of their strengths and needs.

They agreed to offer mutual support at multilateral forums and mechanisms, particularly those led by ASEAN, and support events hosted by the other country.

On global and regional issues of shared concern, the two sides spoke highly of the role of ASEAN and the mechanisms led by the bloc, and affirmed their joint efforts to actively contribute to strengthening ASEAN’s solidarity and centrality in the regional security architecture.

The two sides also underscored the importance of ensuring freedom, security and safety of navigation and overflight in the East Sea. They stressed the need to step up commitments and the effective implementation of the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the East Sea (DOC), work for the early completion of negotiations and signing of a practical and effective Code of Conduct in the East Sea (COC) that is in line with international law, including the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)./.
