Friday,  09/20/2024

Movement “All people protect national security”: Deep and wide development, practical effectiveness

In recent times, the movement of all people to protect national security in the province has developed widely, bringing practical results, promote the strength of the political system and the active participation of all walks of life in maintaining security and order.

Provincial Police leaders awarded certificates of merit to groups and individuals with outstanding achievements in the 2023 All People Protect National Security movement in Lang Son city.

Accordingly, with the motto of prevention and self-management among the People as the main priority, prevent complicated and serious incidents from occurring, the functional forces, the core of which is the provincial police force, have advised and coordinated with all levels and branches to launch a movement of all people to protect national security extensively in communes, wards, towns, villages, neighborhoods and in agencies, businesses and schools.

In 2022, the Provincial Police has directed and guided the organization of 32 campaigns to launch movements to protect national security and build 16 new models to ensure security and order at the grassroots. From the beginning of 2023 until now, the Provincial Public Security has directed and guided the organization to launch the movement of all people to protect national security in 52 areas, exceeding 37 areas, equivalent to 246.7% exceeding the direction set out in early 2023; established 8 new self-management models of security and order at the grassroots.

Major Lanh Thi Hong Phuong, Team Leader of the Monitoring and Guidance Delegation for building a movement of all people to protect national security, the Provincial Public Security Advisory Division said: In order for the movement to spread deeply and widely throughout the province, the unit advised the leaders of the Provincial Public Security to direct a survey of the security and order situation in the grassroots area, thereby guiding the Party Committee and grassroots authorities to issue resolutions, plan to organize the movement and launch the models.

In addition, every year 100% of communes, wards and towns in the province organize a festival for all people to protect national security associated with propaganda and dissemination of legal education among the People, launching models to ensure security and order, and rewarding typical and advanced groups and individuals in the movement. At festivals and movement launches, in addition to launching models, the facility has established propaganda teams and organized people to sign commitments to comply with laws, conventions, and village regulations… From the beginning of 2023 until now, the whole province has organized over 900 legal propaganda events, and 173,800 people signed a commitment to comply with the law. Thereby it contributed to raising awareness of law observance, mobilizing people from all walks of life to participate in maintaining security and order, preventing and combating crime and social evils in the area.

From the beginning of 2023 until now, the people in the province have provided over 1,000 valuable sources of information, helped the functional forces investigate and uncover cases, detect and promptly handle security and order incidents at the facility, avoiding complications. In particular, it contributed to the investigation and clarification of over 210 criminal cases; 19 cases of planting plants containing narcotics; over 110 gambling cases; arrested and mobilized to surrender 30 wanted subjects…

Through the movement of all people to protect national security, the role of heads of agencies and units in directing and implementing the movement has been enhanced.

Mr. Luong Van Hien, Chairman of the Commune People’s Committee, Head of the Steering Committee for preventing and combating crime, social evils and building a movement for all people to protect national security in Van Linh commune, Chi Lang district said: Every year, the People’s Committee and the Commune Steering Committee organize to launch and deploy the movement extensively to 13/13 villages in the area, focusing on replicating advanced models and examples in the movement, with the motto “Self-prevention and self-management are key”.

Thanks to that, in recent times, the security and order situation in the area has been stable, with no complicated incidents occured. People also actively participate in preventing crimes and violating the law. From the beginning of 2023 until now, people in the commune have voluntarily handed over 2 guns; coordinated to put 2 cases into education at the commune…

Just like in Van Linh commune, the movement of All People Protecting National Security in recent times has brought practical results in communes, wards and towns throughout the province, creating changes in security and order in the area. From the beginning of 2023 until now, the whole province has removed from the list of 30 key and complicated areas in terms of security and order, successfully transformed 11 key and complicated areas in terms of social order and safety. Thereby, it contributed to creating a safe and healthy environment to serve socio-economic development for people of all walks of life as well as successfully implementing political tasks in the area.