Friday,  09/20/2024

The imprints of border guard work

The Provincial Border Guard (BG) is responsible for managing and protecting 231.74 km of national border, with 2 international border gates, 1 main border gate and 9 auxiliary border gates. There are 21 border communes and towns, with 176 villages and hamlets in the border area managed by the Provincial Border Guard. In 2023, the provincial border area has been receiving attention in investment and construction in all aspects, the political system at the grassroots level has been consolidated, strengthened and operating efficiently. The socio-economic development has been steady, the material and spiritual life of the people has been increasingly improved. National territorial sovereignty has been maintained. Political security, social order and safety have been guaranteed; Solidarity, friendship and cooperation with the neighboring country have been strengthened and developed.

Officers and soldiers of the Provincial Border Guard and youth union members grow bamboo tree on the border

In recent times, the Party Committee and the Provincial Border Guard Command have been well advising the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People’s Committee to seriously and effectively implement resolutions and directives of superiors on border guard, military, national defense. Additionally, the Provincial Border Guard has comprehensively implemented all aspects of its work, promoted its role as a core force specializing in protecting territorial sovereignty and border security; built a clean and strong Party committee organization, a strong and excellent mass organization, associated with promoting the emulation of “United, exemplary, disciplined, creative, determined to win”, focusing on achieving 5 key tasks, 3 breakthroughs in 2023.

Promoting strength in border protection

In order to well managing and firmly protecting national border sovereignty, in 2023, the Provincial Border Guard regularly maintains 49 control posts with 243 officers and soldiers on duty 24 hours managing and protecting the border, preventing and combating crime, smuggling, illegal entry and exit on the border. Moreover, border guard stations have coordinated and organized patrols, combined with repairing and clearing visibility roads and patrol roads 566 times, with the participation of 5,263 officers and soldiers, 1,956 militia and people.

Colonel Trinh Huu Tang, Secretary of the Party Committee, Political Commissar of the Provincial Border Guard, said: “The Party Committee and the Provincial Border Guard Command always effectively implement Resolution No. 33 NQ/TW, dated September 28, 2018 of the Politburo on national border protection strategy, Directive No. 01/CT-TTg, dated January 9, 2015 of the Prime Minister on organizing the movement “All people participate in protecting territorial sovereignty and national border security in the new situation”. At the same time, we focus on synchronously and drastically carrying out border guard measures, organizing patrol, inspection, observation and firmly protecting national territorial sovereignty and border security in the new situation.”

In order to spread the movement “All people participate in protecting territorial sovereignty and national border security in the new situation”, border guard stations have coordinated with party committees and authorities of border communes and towns to organize “All People’s Border Guard Day” on March 3. The festivals take place with practical activities, evaluating the results of implementing the movement of all people participating in protecting territorial sovereignty and national border security; commending and awarding medals with the title of “Devoting to national sovereignty and border security” to groups and individuals with outstanding achievements; reviewing the history and tradition of the Party Committee, government, army and people of communes and towns in building, managing and protecting borders through different periods. Thereby, it contributes to promoting the role and responsibility of all levels, sectors, functional forces and people participating in managing, protecting territorial sovereignty, border security and maintaining security and order in the area. Up to now, the responsibility of 952 households and 50 groups in border villages and hamlets registering with the Border Guard in coordinating to manage and protect of borderline and markers.

Mr. Trieu Sang Them in Mau Son commune, Loc Binh district said: “For many years, my family has signed with the Party Committee, authorities of the commune and Border Guard force to participate in self-management of borderline and marker.  While going to the fields, farming and taking care of the forest, if we detect any signs of violation of national territorial sovereignty or signs of law violation, invasion, my family notify the Border Guard, the Party Committee and authority of commune to promptly handle the problem.

Notably, the Provincial Border Guard has continued to advising and coordinating to effectively implement of the “Special campaign to support the construction of landmark inspection roads for border protection”; promoting the responsibility of the political system, people from all walks of life in donating money, materials, and effort with the border force to build 122 landmark inspection roads for border protection with a length of 19,294 kilometers. Cumulatively since the beginning of the movement, 220 landmark inspection roads have been built with a total length of 31,416 km. Each completed route to a border marker not only facilitates the management and protection of the border for officers and soldiers, but also makes it more convenient for people to travel and work and for economic development. Furthermore, it also expresses the pride and responsibility of each citizen in the cause of building and protecting the homeland and country.

Spreading good and creative models and practices

Clearly defining the functions and tasks of border guard work, in 2023, Border Guard officers and soldiers have upheld their responsibility, closely followed the border and real situation, coordinated with party committees, authorities, and people in the border area and other forces to do many new models and good practices in border protection The highlight is the spread and replication of the “Vietnamese border bamboo thicket” model, starting the new model “Lighting up border patrol roads”. Up to now, border guard stations under the Provincial Border Guard have presented over 15 thousand Bat Do bamboo trees, worth over 440 million VND to 80 households for planting along the border with a total length of more than 13 km; installed 602 solar lights along the patrol road, with a length of 29 km, with the value of nearly 800 million VND.

Mr. Hoang Van Tung in Cao Lau commune, Cao Loc district shared: “My family has forest land in the border area, I find that the Bat Do bamboo planting model of Ba Son Border Guard Station is very suitable for the climate, soil and the daily practices of people here, currently planted bamboo trees are growing well. Therefore, when Ba Son Border Guard Station gave me 200 bamboo trees, my family was very excited. Planting bamboo along the border not only helps the family develop economically, earn more income and improve our lives, but most importantly contributes an additional effort to protecting borders and landmarks.”

The effectiveness of the “Vietnamese border bamboo thicket” and “Lighting up border patrol roads” models not only effectively contributes to the management and protection of national territorial sovereignty and border security, but also promises to create a source of income for people and facilitates people in border areas to travel. Thereby, it contributes to tightening the solidarity of blood and flesh between the military and the people, highly appreciated by the Party Committees, authorities and people, creating new motivation to enhance the responsibility of people in working side by side with the Border Guard to carry out their duties in border management and protection. Lieutenant Colonel Hoang Trung Hieu, Secretary Party Committee, Political commissar of Ba Son Border Guard Station said: “Our unit is in charge of Cao Lau, Mau Son, Xuat Le (Cao Loc district) communes. The border area managed by the station has terrain mainly consisting of high mountains, along the border, there is still a lot of vacant hill land. With the motto “towards the grassroots level to help the people”, officers and soldiers are always close to the people, follow the village and coordinate with grassroots authorities to implement models and programs to help people gain income, eliminate hunger and reduce poverty. In particular, the model of “Vietnamese border bamboo thicket” of Ba Son Border Guard station was selected by the Central Government as a typical example in studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style, and was honored in the Ceremony “Ho Chi Minh – Journey of Aspiration in 2023”, which is the highlight and pride of Border Guard officers and soldiers.”

Realizing that the effectiveness of the “Vietnamese border bamboo thicket” model by Ba Son Border Guard Station had practical significance in protecting national border sovereignty, the Provincial Border Guard Command has launched and replicated the model to other border stations, aiming to plant all bamboo along the border in the province in the near future.

The outstanding achievements of the Provincial Border Guard have been recognized and highly appreciated by all levels of Party committees, authorities and people. In 2023, the Provincial Border Guard had 62 units and 588 individuals receiving thematic and unexpected awards at all levels. The above achievements will be the driving force, source of support, encouragement for officers and soldiers of the Provincial Border Guard to continue to strive, emulate and stay determined to successfully complete tasks in 2024, contributing to building a clean and strong Party Committee, a comprehensively strong “exemplary and typical” unit, meeting the requirements and tasks in the new situation.