Friday,  09/20/2024

Synchronizing solutions to meet the travel needs of passenger at the end of the year

According to the assessment of the Department of Transport, from the beginning of December 2023 to now, the number of passengers traveling in the area has begun to increase. Therefore, at this time, the Department of Transport and transport units in the area have synchronously implemented many solutions to ensure people’s travel needs.

An inspector of the Department of Transport inspects passenger transport activities by taxi in Lang Son city

The end of the year and around the New Year and Lunar New Year is the time when the travel needs of people in the area increase. Therefore, the Department of Transport has requested passenger transport businesses in the province to prepare sufficient vehicles. Additionally, it asked affiliated units to strengthen management of passenger transport business activities.

The plans by transport units

According to information from the Department of Transport, currently, in the area there are 9 passenger transport business units on fixed routes, 4 units and 3 households doing passenger transport business under contract with over 220 vehicles in operation. In addition, there are 1 bus passenger transport business unit with 13 vehicles and 11 taxi passenger transport business units with 227 vehicles in operation. Since the beginning of December 2023, the number of people traveling in the area has begun to increase. For example, at the Northern bus station, the number of passengers is 20 – 25% higher than usual and it is expected to increase by 30 – 40% during the New Year. Therefore, at this time, passenger transport units in the area have implemented plans to meet people’s travel needs at the end of the year.

One of the units with the largest number of vehicles running on fixed routes in the area is Doan Ket Transport Cooperative (Lang Son city), currently, it has about 40 vehicles in operation. To ensure the travel needs of customers on this occasion, the cooperative proactively arranged vehicles on 10 routes and provided passengers with service according to the licensed itinerary and schedule. At the same time, the unit regularly monitors the activities of vehicles through monitoring devices, thereby being able to promptly direct the driving team to comply with legal regulations in transportation.

Similarly, Hoang Dong Transport Cooperative (Cao Loc town, Cao Loc district) has also built and organized a year-end transport plan from early December 2023. Mr. Pham Duc Cong, Director of Hoang Dong Transport Cooperative said: “Currently, our cooperative has 40 vehicles operating on fixed routes. We have renovated and maintained all vehicles to technical ensure safety for people. In addition, we have controlled the ticket price of each vehicle, prevented it from unreasonably increasing ticket price and asked all staff and drivers to strictly comply with the provisions of law in passenger transport.

In addition to the above two units, currently, 100% of passenger transport units in the area have developed plans to ensure people’s travel needs at the end of the year. Basically, all units implement contents such as listing ticket price and hotline numbers to promptly resolve customer complaints, fully preparing vehicles to participate in transportation… In addition, for transport units using taxis and cars under contract, priority has been given to arranging vehicles in areas with a large concentration of passengers. At the same time, internal monitoring of vehicles has been carried out to promptly handle driver violations in case they arise.

Strengthening business operations management

In order to meet the needs of the people at the end of the year and during the holidays, from mid-December 2023, the unit has implemented the “Plan to well serve the people’s travel needs, ensuring traffic order and safety during the New Year, Lunar New Year and Spring Festival season in 2024”. Accordingly, it requires affiliated units and transport units and bus stations in the area to build and seriously carry out tasks to meet the needs of the people on this occasion.

Based on the plan of the Department of Transport, the unit has developed and issued Plan No. 474/KH-TTGTVT on ensuring traffic order and safety, strengthening inspection, examination and handling violations during the New Year, Lunar New Year and Spring Festival season in 2024. According to Mr. Hoang Khanh Du, Chief Inspector of the Department of Transport, currently, the department’s inspection force had arranged 100% of our officers and inspectors to participate in day and night inspection on national highways such as including 1A,1B, 4A, 31… to monitor the compliance of vehicles with legal regulations in passenger transport. In particular, the unit focused on checking the implementation of regulations on posting ticket price, strictly punishing vehicles that failed to follow the route, pick up and drop off passengers in violation of regulations. Moreover, it coordinated with functional forces in fining drivers and transport vehicle owners who trade and transport smuggled and prohibited goods. The unit also coordinated with Bac Giang – Lang Son BOT Joint Stock Company, registration centers and functional forces to promptly resolve congestion and ensure traffic safety at road toll stations and other registration centers when any incident occurs.

In addition to the above solutions, the Department of Transport Inspectorate also coordinates with relevant agencies to increase propaganda and mobilize people and traffic participants to voluntarily comply with traffic safety laws and to strictly implement the content “If you drink alcohol – do not drive”, “Do not use phone while driving”…

Along with inspection and examination activities, the Department of Transport has assigned tasks to affiliated forces and units to arrange response force, promptly organize and ensure smooth and convenient traffic for tourists and people. In addition, it proactively reviews roads and areas with large vehicle traffic to promptly regulate traffic, avoiding congestion and traffic insecurity.

In addition, currently, the Department of Transport has posted the hotline and the phone numbers of functional units on the website and at train and bus stations in the area and made sure the staff are on duty for hotline 24/24 hours a day. Thereby, it can promptly receive feedback and recommendations from the people for timely solutions.

Mr. Nguyen Ngoc Huy, Deputy Director of the Department of Transport, said: “In the coming time, people’s travel demand will continue to increase. Therefore, the Department of Transport will continue to direct relevant units to strengthen propaganda and mobilize people not to use vehicles with unknown information about routes to ensure safety for passengers and vehicles when participating in traffic on the road. At the same time, it is necessary to review and synchronously supplement camera systems at junctions and intersections to strengthen monitoring, supervision, detection and handling of violations in terms of passenger transport business conditions in the locality. Furthermore, it will request the Transport Inspectorate force to strengthen inspection and examination of the implementation of legal regulations on passenger transport business by car, coordinate with functional forces to inspect and strictly fine any violations of transport business conditions.

Solutions from authorities and transport units will contribute to prepare human resources and vehicles to maximally meet people’s travel needs during the year-end and holidays. However, each passenger also needs to raise their own awareness and responsibility in ensuring their safety and rights by proactively reporting, making recommendations and providing information to the authorities when any violations occur.