Friday,  09/20/2024

The Fatherland Front at all levels: Good mass mobilization, uniting the people

Determining that mass mobilization work plays an important role in consolidating the relationship between the Party, government and people, strengthening the great solidarity of the entire people, the Vietnam Fatherland Front (Fatherland Front) Committee at all provincial levels has promoted the emulation movement ” “Good mass mobilization” associated with movements and activities and achieved many positive results.

Officials of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, People and Border Guards participate in building a border milestone inspection and protection road in Bac Xa commune, Dinh Lap district

Responding to documents and plans of the central and provincial governments, including Plan No. 41-KH/BDV, dated November 23, 2021 of the Provincial Party Committee’s Mass Mobilization Committee on implementing the emulation movement “Good mass mobilization” in the period of 2021 – 2025, in recent times, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at all levels in the province has actively responded to the popular mobilization movement in conjunction with campaigns and patriotic emulation movements in the locality.

“Good mass mobilization” mobilized the people’s strength

Member of the Provincial Party Standing Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee Nong Luong Chan said: Determining the emulation movement “Good mass mobilization” is an important task in the work of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, in recent years, the Standing Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province has strengthened propaganda, dissemination, and fully grasped the Party’s policies and guidelines, and the State’s legal policies and documents of the Vietnam Fatherland Front on mass mobilization work for Fatherland Front officials at all levels in the area to apply effectively in practical work. Notably, with the motto “Good mass mobilization can help everything succeed “, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at all levels and socio-political organizations in the province have propagated and guided the front system to carry out popular mobilization movements skillfully associated with campaigns and patriotic emulation movements, especially the Campaign “All people unite to build new rural areas and civilized cities” launched by the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, to arouse people’s strength to unite in implementation.

Accordingly, the Fatherland Front at all levels and organizations focus on propagating the purpose, meaning, and criteria in building new rural areas so that union members, members, and people can understand and respond to the implementation of activities, according to the motto “People know, people discuss, people do, people monitor, people enjoy”. Propaganda and advocacy work is carried out in many forms, including upholding the motto “Go to every alley, knock on every house” so that the People understand and agree to implement it.

Typical in the above work is the Fatherland Front Committee at all levels of Bac Son district. Notably, implementing the program “Weekend with the people” (from October 2022 to present), on weekends, instead of resting at home, front officials and unions join the people in carrying out many activities such as building roads, harvesting agricultural products, propagating laws, mobilizing people to participate in building new rural areas… While working with the people, officials propagate and persuade people to respond to movements and activities and bring about practical results. In 2023, the entire district has mobilized over 4.5 billion VND to socialize, mobilized people to donate nearly 84,400 m² of land to build new rural areas, an increase of about 20,000 m² of land compared to 2022.

Mr. Duong Duc San, Ra La village, Long Dong commune, Bac Son district said: Having been propagated by commune and village front officials, I realized that donating land to build roads is also to serve the travel, exchange, and productive labor of my family and people in the village more conveniently, gradually improving life. Therefore, from 2022 until now, my family has donated land twice to expand and upgrade the inter-commune road connecting to Mong An commune, Binh Gia district, with a total area of more than 2,700m².

Like the Fatherland Front Committee at all levels in Bac Son district, in recent times, Fatherland Front officials at all levels in the province have always been close to the grassroots, close to the people, propagandizing and persuading according to the motto ” Small rain lays great dust”,  through which people agree to participate in building new rural areas and local movements and activities. According to the report of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, in 2023, the Fatherland Front at all levels has mobilized the People to donate over 250,900 m² of land, contribute labor and in-kind contributions worth more than 39 billion VND to build projects and work in building new rural areas and civilized urban areas. Compared to 2022, an increase of over 195,000 m² of donated land, the value of labor days and in-kind contributions to building new rural areas and civilized urban areas increased by more than 23.7 billion VND. Thereby, contributing to helping localities in the province successfully complete their assigned tasks and plans. According to statistics, in 2023, 10 urban civilized streets will be built in the area, bringing the current total to nearly 100 urban civilized streets; It is expected that there will be 10 more communes meeting new rural area standards, 5 advanced new rural communes and 2 new rural commune models (currently the communes are completing items, criteria and dossiers to request recognition as meeting new rural standards).

In particular, the Fatherland Front at all levels also promotes Good mass mobilization movements in all fields and aspects of social life, a new point in 2023 is to propagate and mobilize all levels, sectors, functional forces, and people from all walks of life to respond to the special campaign to support “Building landmark inspection roads, protecting borders” in Lang Son province. From November 18, 2022 to November 18, 2023, the fund has collected over 14,880 billion VND in cash and in-kind support; Of which, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of the province received more than 2.86 billion VND. From this funding source, the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee has coordinated with the Provincial Border Guard Command to support the construction of 122 border milestone checkpoint road, with a total length of 19.3km at 5 Border Guard stations including: Po Ma, Binh Nghi, Na Hinh, Huu Nghi and Bao Lam. Thereby, contributing to convenient and safe travel for border guards to patrol and protect borders and border milestones, while also creating favorable conditions for people to travel for work and production…

Associating with social security work

Not only propagandizing and mobilizing people from all walks of life to respond to movements and campaigns, recently, the Fatherland Front Committees at all levels in the province have also implemented the movement “Good mass mobilization” to mobilize people’s strength to participate in social security activities, uphold the spirit of ” The spirit of solidarity”, “The leaves protect tattered one” to help each other overcome difficulties and rise up in life.

For example, in 2023, the Fatherland Front Committee at all levels coordinated with the “For the Poor” Fund Campaign Committee at the same level to mobilize agencies, units, and people from all walks of life to support nearly 12 billion VND into the fund. Thereby, we supported the construction and repair of 208 great solidarity houses, worth over 8.2 billion VND and implemented social security activities, with a total cost of nearly 2 billion VND. The Fatherland Front at all levels in the province also mobilized 700 million VND to support the construction of great solidarity houses for poor households in Dien Bien province (phase 1) and will strive to mobilize in the second phase to reach 1 billion VND, aiming to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Dien Bien Phu victory (May 7, 1954 – May 7, 2024)…

During the year, the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee at all levels also propagated and mobilized agencies, departments, sectors, and people from all walks of life to donate more than 485 million VND to support the construction of Chi Lang Temple, Chi Lang district. At the same time, the Fatherland Front at all levels mobilized and received support from many groups and individuals to the Provincial Relief Fund, with a total budget of nearly 576 million to support and help people treat dangerous diseases, overcome the consequences of natural disasters, fires, drowning… In particular, the support was spent to buy 600 warm blankets for poor students, poor households, and families in difficult circumstances; visiting and encouraging 2 families whose people died due to drowning, 2 households who had house fires…

To achieve the above results, the team of Fatherland Front cadres at all levels have done a good job in “Good mass mobilization”, apply skills and expertise to local realities and population characteristics to persuade and mobilize people from all walks of life to support funds. Chairman of the Fatherland Front Committee of Lam Ca commune, Dinh Lap district Nguyen Van Manh said: In 2023, the commune strives to meet new rural standards. Participating in implementing this goal, the Commune Fatherland Front has promoted its role in all aspects of work, especially propaganda and mobilization of people to participate in social security activities, unite to help each other overcome difficulties, and improve their lives. In 2023, the Commune Fatherland Front Committee and the front working committee in residential areas in the commune have mobilized 11.6 million VND into the “For the Poor” Fund, accumulated from the previous year is more than 15 million VND. From this fund, during the year the commune used to support 1 household to build a new house, 1 household whose house collapsed due to natural disasters, and gave 10 gifts to poor households; At the same time, the unit coordinated with superiors to support the construction of 20 great solidarity houses for poor and near-poor households with housing difficulties, with an amount of 1 billion VND. Thereby contributing to the effective implementation of the new rural development program. Up to now, the commune has basically completed 19/19 criteria. In addition, the Commune Fatherland Front also mobilized people to donate funds to support the construction of great solidarity houses for poor households in Dien Bien province, amounting to more than 3.2 million VND, supported the construction of Chi Lang Temple with over 3.8 million VND. In order to mobilize support for various types of funds, the Commune Fatherland Front “knocked on the doors” of each agency, unit, and household; the methods of propaganda and advocacy are carried out in a very simple and rustic way so that people can understand and support to help those in more difficulty.

It can be affirmed that, thanks to skillful mass mobilization and effective propaganda, the Fatherland Front system at all levels in the province has contributed to creating consensus among the people in implementing the Party’s policies and guidelines, State policies and laws, as well as consensus on implementing programs and plans on socio-economic development and ensuring national defense and security in the area. Thereby, the political security situation, social order and safety in the whole province continues to be stable, the great solidarity of the entire people continues to be consolidated and strengthened, and people’s lives are improved in all aspects. In 2023, the whole province has 170,430/196,087 households achieved the title of “Cultural Family”, accounted for 86.9%, an increase of 0.7%; The number of “cultural residential areas” accounted for 89.4%, an increase of 4.7% compared to 2022.