Friday,  09/20/2024

Commencement of Dong Dang – Tra Linh expressway

On January 1, in Thuy Hung commune, Thach An district, Cao Bang province, Cao Bang Provincial People’s Committee organized the groundbreaking ceremony of the Dong Dang (Lang Son) – Tra Linh (Cao Bang) expressway investment project. Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh, attended and gave a directive speech at the groundbreaking ceremony. Also attending were leaders of ministries, departments, sectors, leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee of Cao Bang province and some provinces.

The Prime Minister and delegates viewed models of some items of the Dong Dang-Tra Linh expressway project

Attending the groundbreaking ceremony for Lang Son province were Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Quoc Doan; Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Ho Tien Thieu, leaders of Van Lang and Trang Dinh districts.

The Dong Dang – Tra Linh expressway project has a length of 93.35km, starting at the intersection of Tan Thanh Border Gate, Van Lang district, Lang Son province and ending at  the intersection of Highway 3 in Chi Thao commune, Quang Hoa district, Cao Bang province. In particular, the section through Lang Son province passing through Van Lang and Trang Dinh districts has a length of 51.08 km. Total investment in phase 1 is 14,331 billion VND, of which, Cao Bang Provincial People’s Committee proposed budget capital of about 9,800 billion VND, investors mobilized more than 4,451 billion VND.

The Prime Minister gave a commencement speech for the Dong Dang-Tra Linh expressway project

The project is divided into 2 phases, in which phase 1, the expressway is implemented according to TCVN 5729-2012 standards, design speed of 80 km/h, the width of the roadbed cross-section is 17m for normal sections and 13.5m for complex sections.

Cao Bang Provincial People’s Committee is assigned as the competent State agency to implement the project.

The joint venture of Deo Ca Group – ICV Vietnam Investment and Construction Joint Stock Company – Deo Ca Transport Infrastructure Investment Joint Stock Company (HHV) – 568 Construction Joint Stock Company is a project investor in the form of public-private partnership.

The expressway was invested in and built to enhance traffic connection capacity between Lang Son and Cao Bang provinces, contributing to promoting trade through the border gate systems of the two provinces. At the same time, project implementation is also a lever to promote socio-economic development and strengthen national defense and security in the region.

The Prime Minister and delegates performed the project groundbreaking ceremony

Speaking at the groundbreaking ceremony, Prime Minister Pham Minh Chinh emphasized that this is a key national project in 2024, with important significance for Cao Bang province and Lang Son province. The project is the hope of the people of all ethnic groups in the project area. This is also an inter-provincial and inter-regional connection project that helps Cao Bang remove traffic infrastructure bottlenecks for socio-economic development associated with strengthening national defense and security.

The Prime Minister praised the two provinces of Cao Bang and Lang Son for coordinating with ministries and sectors to remove difficulties and obstacles in the project preparation process so that today the project is eligible to start construction.

Leaders of Lang Son province attended the groundbreaking ceremony

Due to the importance and impact of the project on the region, the Prime Minister requested the People’s Committees of the two provinces to urgently carry out site clearance work. At the same time, during the implementation process, competent state agencies and investors coordinate with central ministries and sectors to resolve difficulties and problems according to authority and report and propose solutions to remove contents beyond authority.

The Prime Minister presented gifts to units participating in construction on the construction site

For investors, the Prime Minister requested units to focus all resources on construction with the spirit of overcoming difficulties, working in three shifts and four crews on the construction site. During the construction process, security, safety and environmental sanitation must be ensured, while the contractor promotes the application of new technology and construction solutions to effectively implement the project.

On the occasion of the project’s groundbreaking ceremony, Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group, Military Telecommunication Industry Group, and Vietcombank donated funds to remove 750 dilapidated houses for poor households in Cao Bang province. .