Friday,  09/20/2024

Focusing on strengthening ethnic knowledge for cadres, civil servants and public employees

With the characteristics of a mountainous province, the majority of the population is ethnic minorities, in recent years, the Provincial Ethnic Committee has paid attention to well implementing the work of strengthening ethnic knowledge for staff, civil servants and public employees in the province. Thereby, contributing to the effective implementation of ethnic policies and improving the lives of ethnic minorities.

The Provincial Ethnic Committee organized an ethnic knowledge training class for students to conduct practical research at the Bac Son Uprising Museum, Bac Son district (October 2023).

Lang Son is a province in the ethnic minority and mountainous region. The whole province currently has over 800,000 people, ethnic minorities account for nearly 84%, including 7 main ethnic groups: Nung, Tay, Kinh, Dao, Hoa, San Chay, Mong. Implementing Decision No. 771/QD-TTg dated June 26, 2018 of the Prime Minister approved the Project “Strengthening ethnic knowledge for cadres, civil servants and public employees in the period of 2018 – 2025” and its contents  “Strengthening national knowledge” under Sub-project no.2, Project no.5 under the National Target Program for socio-economic development of ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the period of 2021 – 2030, phase I: 2021 – 2025, the work of training ethnic knowledge for cadres, civil servants and public employees in the province is carried out methodically and seriously, ensuring regulations.

Mr. Lam Van Vien, Deputy Head of the Provincial Committee for Ethnic Minority Affairs affirmed: With the situation of the mountainous province, with a large number of ethnic minorities, strengthening ethnic knowledge for cadres, civil servants and public employees is of practical significance. To ensure the quality of training classes, we also coordinate with the Academy of Ethnic Minorities to organize and convey topics. In particular,we are focusing on training knowledge about the Party’s viewpoints and policies, the State’s policies and laws towards ethnic minorities; characteristics, customs, cultural identity, ethnic affairs situation of the province. Thereby, helping the team of officials, civil servants and public employees advise, build and organize the effective implementation of ethnic policies in general, especially implementing the content of the National Target Program for socio-economic development in ethnic minority and mountainous areas in the period of 2021 – 2030.

Accordingly, every year, the Provincial Ethnic Affairs Committee issues a plan to strengthen ethnic knowledge for cadres, civil servants and public employees in the province. Subjects participating in strengthening ethnic knowledge include cadres, civil servants, and public employees from the province to the grassroots, including: leaders of divisions and equivalent specialized agencies under the Provincial and District People’s Committees; leaders of the Party Committee, People’s Committee, and People’s Council at commune level; school administrators in areas with large ethnic minority populations; Civil servants at all levels directly advise and monitor ethnic affairs; Party cell secretaries, village heads in areas with many ethnic minorities… Although the initial implementation period was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, thanks to flexible implementation measures, the work of strengthening ethnic knowledge is still maintained.

In 2023, the production and living situation of the people of the entire province, including ethnic minority areas, have positive developments. Typically: the growth rate of gross regional product (GRDP) is estimated at 7%; The rate of poor households in ethnic minority areas decreased by over 3%; The percentage of communes with roads to the commune center that are paved with asphalt or concrete is 96.1%;  The percentage of villages with hardened roads to the village center reached 80.5%; The rate of rural people using hygienic water reached 98%…


The highlight of the training classes is that students participate in practical research and learn from experience. From 2021 up to now, 100% of training classes spend time for students to learn about reality at historical relics and model models of socio-economic development in the province. Mrs. Nong Phuong Thao, Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Dai Dong commune, Trang Dinh district, said: My commune has over 95% of the population being Tay and Nung ethnic people. In October 2023, I participated in an ethnic knowledge training class organized by the Provincial Ethnic Committee in collaboration with the Academy of Ethnic Minorities for 5 days. Through the training class, I updated my general knowledge about ethnic affairs and better understood the situation and characteristics of ethnic minorities in the province. In particular, we were able to conduct practical research in Bac Son district and listen to reports on the organization and implementation of the district’s ethnic policies. Since then, I have gained more knowledge and practical skills to effectively implement ethnic work in the commune.

Through ethnic knowledge training classes, we have improved the knowledge of cadres, civil servants and public employees in organizing and implementing the Party’s guidelines and policies, and the State’s laws and regulations on ethnic affairs. From there, it contributes to bringing ethnic policies into effective life, bringing practical benefits and improving the lives of ethnic minorities in the province.

In the coming time, the Provincial Ethnic Committee will continue to pay attention to implementing and improving the quality of ethnic knowledge training for officials, civil servants and public employees, ensuring practical needs for implementing ethnic policies in the province.