Friday,  09/20/2024

The Provincial National Assembly delegation give gifts and offer Tet greeting in Binh Gia district

On the morning of January 28, in Binh La commune, Binh Gia district, the National Assembly Delegation of the province included the Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Member of the National Assembly’s Economic Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation Hoang Van Nghiem; The Provincial Party Committee member, Member of the Finance and Budget Committee of the 15th National Assembly, Deputy Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation Trieu Quang Huy; Member of the National Assembly’s Science, Technology and Environment Committee, Deputy Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism  Luu Ba Mac; Member of the National Assembly’s Ethnic Council, Deputy Chief of the Office of the Provincial Farmers’ Union Chu Thi Hong Thai, gave gifts and offered Tet greeting to the people of 2 communes: Binh La, Hong Thai, Binh Gia district.

Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Member of the National Assembly’s Economic Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation Hoang Van Nghiem, speaks at the program

Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Member of the National Assembly’s Economic Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation Hoang Van Nghiem, presents gifts to 3 villages of 2 communes Binh La and Hong Thai

Here, the Provincial National Assembly Delegation awarded 23 Tet gifts, including: gifts to 3 villages and 20 policy families, families of people with meritorious services to the revolution, poor households, and households with particularly difficult circumstances in 2 communes: Binh La and Hong Thai.

Speaking at the program, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee and Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation affirmed that the Party and State always pay attention to organizing visits and giving Tet gifts to policy families and families of people with meritorious service, poor households, and households in particularly difficult circumstances in order to take care of these subjects and have a more complete Tet holiday. He wished families a happy spring and a peaceful and warming Tet holiday and hoped that families would continue to make efforts to develop their family economy, improve their lives, and be exemplary compliance with the Party’s policies and laws, and actively participate in building new rural areas, contributing to building an increasingly innovative and developed homeland.

Provincial National Assembly delegates give gifts to families

Provincial National Assembly delegates give gifts to families