Friday,  09/20/2024

Talks on border work

On the morning of January 30, in Lang Son city, a delegation of 11 border guard stations of Lang Son province held talks with the delegation of the Chongzuo Border Management Detachment, Guangxi, and China.

At the talks, the two sides evaluated in recent times the coordination of law enforcement on border management, the fight against crime and illegal entry and exit; The work of maintaining communication mechanisms, exchanging situations, returning and receiving at border gates is regularly maintained by both sides in accordance with regulations. In the fourth quarter of 2023, the two sides sent each other 33 letters, held talks twice, and exchanged hotline calls 13 times; coordinated joint patrols once; Organized a friendly football match; Organized the reception of 718 Vietnamese people and returned 76 Chinese people who violated the laws of both sides.

At the talks, the two sides agreed to continue regularly exchanging information and reporting on the activities of various types of crime to proactively implement prevention measures; coordinated to maintain security and order in the border areas of both sides, strengthen legal propaganda for people on both sides of the border; coordinated joint patrols periodically, organized sports exchanges, strengthen patrol activities, and strictly control the border; coordinated to detect and promptly prevent activities that violate the law, building the two countries’ border of friendship, cooperation, stability and mutual development.

On this occasion, the two sides congratulated the coordination results in 2023, and at the same time congratulate the new year of Dragon 2024.

The two sides hold talks