Friday,  09/20/2024

Joint patrol and law enforcement on the Vietnam – China border

On February 1, Ba Son Border Guard Station, Lang Son Provincial Border Guard (Vietnam) and Ningming Border Management Unit, Guangxi (China) coordinated to organize joint patrol and law enforcement on the Vietnam – China border.

The two sides perform jointly patrol

During the program, the two sides coordinated to organize joint patrol and law enforcement on the border section from border milestone  No.1200 to border milestone  No.1201 and held talk on border management cooperation. At the talk, the two sides affirmed that in recent times, the two sides cooperated closely, strengthened border management, and promoted information exchange on the activities of organizations and lines sending and receiving people illegally entering or exiting the country, smuggling, resolutely fighting, preventing crime. To ensure the stability of the situation in the border areas of the two sides, the two sides agreed to continue to increase notification, exchange of information, patrolling, controlling and monitoring the border, especially in key areas where illegal entry and exit activities and smuggling frequently occur; promptly detect, arrest, and strictly handle cases of violation of the agreement on land border management regulations between Vietnam and China. and the laws of both sides.

The two sides hold talk

The coordination to organize joint patrol and law enforcement activities on the Vietnam – China border has achieved the set goals and requirements; The two sides jointly patrolled and held talk in a friendly and open atmosphere, demonstrating mutual respect and trust; The process of joint patrol and talk was carried out in accordance with the contents and plans, strictly complying with foreign policy principles, maintaining speech discipline and internal security, ensuring absolute safety.