Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son has a work that wins a C prize of Golden Hammer and Sickle Award

On the evening of February 1, at the Vietnam-Soviet Friendship Labor Cultural Palace, Hanoi, on the occasion of the 94th anniversary of the Communist Party of Vietnam (February 3, 1930 – February 3, 2024), the Central Organization Commission coordinated with Nhan Dan Newspaper, Communist Magazine, Vietnam Television and Vietnam Journalists Association to organize a ceremony to announce and award the 8th National Press Award for Party Building (Golden Hammer and Sickle Award) in 2023. Among the winners, Lang Son province had a C prize.

Author Hua Lam Ngoc Thu (8th from left, representative of the author group) receives the award

Attending the ceremony, on the provincial side, there were Member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee Nguyen Quoc Doan, the leaders of the Propaganda and Education Commission and Organization Commission of the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Radio and Television Station.

After 8 seasons, the Golden Hammer and Sickle Award has increasingly shown its prestige, attracting a large number of authors and groups of authors. After the period of time for receiving entries to participate in the 8th Golden Hammer and Sickle Prize in 2023, the Standing Agency of the ceremony (Party Building Magazine) has received a total of 2,216 entries in 5 types of press including print newspaper, e-newspapers, television, radio, press photos. The finalist council selected 120 works to enter the final round.

At the ceremony, the Organizing Committee announced and awarded 6 A prizes, 12 B prizes, 18 C prizes, 30 consolation prizes and 6 thematic prizes for excellent works. Among them, Lang Son province had a work named “The guiding torch in Lung Cut” with 3 episodes in radio genre by authors Luong Thi Lan Anh and Hua Lam Ngoc Thu, Provincial Radio and Television Station, which won the C prize. This is the second time Lang Son province has had a work win the Golden Hammer and Sickle Award (at the 7th Golden Hammer and Sickle Award in 2022, the radio work “Resolution on digital transformation – Lang Son’s ambition or determination” by author Luong Thi Lan Anh, Provincial Radio and Television Station won the consolation prize).

The works participating in this year’s Golden Hammer and Sickle Awards at central and local press agencies represented a variety of topics and genres and covered all provinces and cities nationwide. Most of the works closely followed hot issues, outstanding events and key tasks of the political system and the country. Many works deeply reflected current issues of the Party building and rectification. Some works mentioned current pressing issues and they were highly socially critical and combative.

In the ceremony, the Organizing Committee honored 5 outstanding figures in award-winning journalistic works, rewarded 15 groups with outstanding achievements in organizing, propagandizing and responding to the Golden Hammer and Sickle Award in 2023. Representatives of the Award Steering Committee launched the 9th National Press Award on Party Building (Golden Hammer and Sickle Award) in 2024.