Friday,  09/20/2024

Promoting the historical values of Uncle Ho monuments

(LSO) – In the historic days of May, when Lang Son city is decorated with the colorful flags and flowery streets, it is also the time when people recall their memories of the time when Uncle Ho visited Lang Son 60 years ago. These days, at President Ho Chi Minh Monument (Dong Kinh Ward, Lang Son City), a large number of officials from agencies, units and people of all classes come to offer incense to express their gratitude, their respect to Uncle Ho. The Monument is the place to mark the event that Uncle Ho visited and talked with 25,000 officials, soldiers, students and ethnic minorities in Lang Son, at Dong Kinh Stadium on February 23, 1960. Here, he advised “Officials, party members, youth union members must closely unite, be exemplary in everything, must strictly follow the policies of the Party and the Government etc”. Years go by, the Uncle Ho’s visit still remains intact in the minds of generations of people in Xu Lang. And to meet the people’s affection for Uncle Ho, in 2007, President Ho Chi Minh Monument was built on a total area of ​​about 550 m2, in which, the monument was built according to the architecture of the temple on water in an area of ​​50 m2.

Ms. Hoang Minh Thao, Head of Culture and Information Division of Lang Son City, said “Over years, we have actively propagandized for people to understand the historical value of the monument. In 2016, we have repaired and renovated the monument with a total budget of over 57 million VND. Besides, we often coordinate with the Department of Education and Training, the City Youth Union to clean the monument area, offer incense, report achievements, review the history at the monument and so on.

People visit and learn in President Ho Chi Minh Monument, Trang Dinh district

In addition to President Ho Chi Minh Monument in Lang Son city, there is also a President Ho Chi Minh Monument in That Khe town, Trang Dinh district. The monument associated with the event that Uncle Uncle visited the That Khe town on February 21, 1961, after his visit to Cao Bang. The working room of Trang Dinh District’s Hydrometeorological Station is the place where Uncle Ho stopped to rest. At the meeting in front That Khe Station gate, Uncle Ho graciously asked about the daily life and production of Trang Dinh people. He advised the people to stay united, stay healthy to produce, study and work.

President Ho Chi Minh Monument in That Khe town includes a stone stele recording the event and a memorial house built in the one-floor style, with an area of ​​16 m2, ranked national level in 1994. Since the end of 2019, the District People’s Committee has been renovating and embellishing President Ho Chi Minh Monument and a number of degraded items of the monument with the capital of nearly 1.8 billion VND. In addition, Trang Dinh district also introduces the introduction program to schools and agencies, units of the district, attracting thousands of pupils and tourists to visit the monument in 2019.

Mr. Phan Van Hoa, Deputy Director of Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism said: “The system of monuments of President Ho Chi Minh in Lang Son province consists of 2 monuments (one in Lang Son city and the other Trang Dinh district). Over the years, the system of these monuments has been respected, preserved and restored by people at all levels in Xu Lang.

Currently, President Ho Chi Minh Monument in Lang Son city has been included in the inventory list in the Decision No. 73/QD-UBND dated January 10, 2019 of the Provincial People’s Committee, it is always concerned and protected by  sectors, this is also a place to offer incense for the agencies, units etc in the province during the important days of the province and the country. Regarding President Ho Chi Minh Monument in Trang Dinh, in April 2020, the department has completed the collection of documents and artifacts on Uncle Ho, serving the display at the President Ho Chi Minh Memorial House. In the coming time, we will continue to take care, preserve and promote the value of these monuments, and continue to research and collect documents and artifacts about Uncle Ho in Lang Son province for display.

With these practical solutions, we believe that President Ho Chi Minh monument system in Lang Son will continue to preserve and promote historical and cultural values, contribute to the education of revolutionary traditions, patriotism for the people, especially the younger generation.