Friday,  09/20/2024

Opening the Film Month to Celebrate the 75th anniversary of the August Revolution and National Day – September 2

(LSO) – In the evening of August 25th , 2020, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Lang Son province opened the film month in order to celebrate the 75th anniversary of the August Revolution (August 19th, 1945 – August 19th , 2020) and the National Day of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (September 2nd , 1945 – September 2nd, 2020) at Dong Kinh Cinema.

The opening ceremony attracted attendance of representatives and leaders of departments, agencies, unions of the province, army officers of the Provincial Military Command as well as numerous people in the province.

The film month would be organized from August 10, 2020 to the end of September 5, 2020 at Dong Kinh Cinema and cinemas of 10 districts in the province.

A representative of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism gave remarks at the opening ceremony of the Film month

Army officers of the Provincial Military Command attended the opening ceremony of the film month

On this occasion nine districts’ mobile filming teams will screen movies issued by Vietnam’s Department of Cinema including The Silent Soldier; Building the island village ; Long Chau Memory; Tan Chau silk hometown; Detective Gecko….

At the opening ceremony, the documentary film “Luong Van Tri – Indomitable Resilience” was premiered. The film is about the life and revolutionary activities of comrade Luong Van Tri and his great dedication to the revolutionary cause of the Communist Party and country.

The aims of the film month is to educate people about national patriotic traditions, self-reliance, and peace aspirations, uphold the solidarity of the Vietnamese peoples, and at the same time express deep gratitudes towards previous generations for their scarifies for the national independence and unification.