Friday,  09/20/2024

Promoting the value of historical artifacts since the war against the US imperialists

– Among the documents and artifacts kept at the system of museums and galleries in the province, there are more than 400 documents and artifacts of the army and people of Xu Lang during the Resistance war against the U.S imperialists. These are “precious documents” demonstrating a historical period of heroic and glorious revolutionary fight of our army and people. Therefore, over the past time, with specific solutions, functional units have organized many practical activities to promote the value of these artifacts.

From the beginning of April 2022 until now, Lang Son Provincial Museum has welcomed over 400 visitors, many of them are veterans and students coming to visit and learn about artifacts since the war against the US imperialists. Ms. Luong Thuy Hong, a guide at the Museum, said: “Currently, there are more than 40 photos, documents, artifacts, documents and scientific documents associated with typical history events in the Anti-American Resistance War for National Salvation of Lang Son province during 1954-1975 in the museum’s gallery area. The artifacts on display here receive the attention of many residents and visitors.”

Students of Lang Son Vocational College learn about artifacts since the anti-American resistance war at the Provincial Museum

On these days, many people are touched when they come to the museum to hear the stories about the artifacts. Nguyen Thi Hai Yen, a student at Lang Son Vocational College, said: “I was very moved when I saw the pictures of letters signed with the blood of young people in Bac Son 1 and Bac Son 2 battalions enthusiastically volunteering to go to the South to fight against the invader. Each artifact is associated with one historical story through which we further understand about the arduous and fierce war time, the resilient will and courage of the previous generations.”

It is known that at present, the Provincial Museum currently preserves more than 300 documents and artifacts related to the war against the US imperialists. Typically, there are groups of documents and artifacts proving the crimes of the US imperialists on the land of Xu Lang, such as the wreck of the American plane, the 6-barreled gun on the American plane that was shot down, the shells of the marble bombs, the flares, types of guns, American pilots’ clothes, weapons used to capture the American pilots. Thereby, they help visitors see the crimes of the US imperialists against our people, the spirit of determination to fight, to win and the victories of the army and people of Lang Son during this period.

Not only the Provincial Museum, currently, Bac Son District Museum and Chi Lang Victory Gallery are also storing nearly 100 precious artifacts related to this period of the Lang Son army and people. In order to promote the value of these precious “historical documents”, the cultural, sports and tourism sector has implemented many important solutions in recent years. Mr. Nguyen Phuc Ha, Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism said: “In recent years, the sector has strengthened the research and collection of documents and artifacts about the land and people of Xu Lang during historical periods in which there are artifacts related to the war against the US imperialists of the army and people of Lang Son. The artifacts are put into preservation and display in the system of museums and galleries in the province. In addition, the sector requires and guides units to regularly renovate display activities and improve service quality. Thereby, it actively contributes to the traditional education for all classes of people, especially the young generation.”

Accordingly, the functional units have actively preserved and promoted the value of artifacts through historical periods, including artifacts related to the period of the resistance war against the US imperialists. Mr. Nong Duc Kien, Director of the Provincial Museum said: “Every year, we regularly collect and help galleries and museums at the localities to collect artifacts and memorabilia related to the war through field trips, itineraries and provincial organizations and unions. From 2018 to now, we have collected and added 70 artifacts of this period. In which, a number of typical artifacts are updated in the museum’s regular display system, and some are supported by the museum to display at the localities. Along with that, we also use artifacts for thematic exhibitions at museums and mobile exhibitions in districts and city.”

It is known that every year, educational institutions and schools cooperate with the system of museums and galleries in the province to organize sightseeing activities in order to learn about history at these locations. In particular, from 2018 to now, on the occasion of the annual victory anniversary of April 30th, the system of museums and galleries organizes a number of useful and meaningful activities such as 3 to 5 mobile exhibitions at schools, contests about studying history, establishing “I love history” clubs in localities, presenting gifts to typical students. It is known that in April and May every year, these places attract an average of 500 to 1,000 visitors, of which 90% are students.

It can be seen that, thanks to practical ways, the artifacts related to the war against the US have helped raise the responsibility of all classes of the people, especially the young generation in continuing the tradition of the previous ones  in the construction and defense of the Fatherland in the new situation.