Friday,  09/20/2024

Expanding international cooperation in preserving and promoting cultural heritage

Over the years, all levels and sectors of the province have regularly cooperated with international expert and working delegations in the field of heritage conservation in order to promote the values and strengths of Lang Son.

Mr. Nguyen Phuc Ha, Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism said: Over the years, under the direction of the Provincial Party Committee, the Provincial People’s Committee, the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage values in the province has been actively implemented by the Culture, Sports and Tourism sector. In particular, the sector moved toward expanding international cooperation, calling for the help of international experts in the conservation of tangible, intangible and documentary heritage is a solution that the sector focused on promoting. The Department has advised the Provincial People’s Committee to carry out diplomatic activities with localities in countries such as Russia, France, Korea… Especially with Guangxi (China).

The delegation of UNESCO consultants to build Lang Son Geopark on site survey in Lan Chau village, Huu Lien commune, Huu Lung district

The main contents of exchange and cooperation are: exchange, research, learn about the culture and traditional history of ethnic communities, survey and archaeological excavations; exchange, study and exchange experiences in tourism activities; management, training, performing arts, physical training, sports…

Accordingly, agencies and units in the field of culture have had many effective cooperation activities. Prominent in the field of heritage and archeology, not to mention the cooperation activities carried out by the Provincial Museum in collaboration with the Institute of Archeology and delegations of foreign experts. Specifically, scientists from universities and scientific research centers of the US, France and Australia have repeatedly come to Lang Son to survey and excavate archeology. Through that, a collection of 1,690 artifacts was discovered and handed over to the Provincial Museum. This is a very rich collection of artifacts, including fossils of many animals of the Post Pleistocene period such as orangutans, saber-toothed elephants, Asian elephants, rhinoceros teeth, deer, buffaloes, cows, hedgehog, wild boar, horse bear… In the latest mission at the end of 2022, a group of scientists from the US, Australia and Vietnam focused on studying samples of Pongo (orangutan) teeth. By means of visual research and sample analysis, these activities have gradually clarified issues about the ancient environment and human development in Vietnam.

Mr. Nong Duc Kien, Director of the Provincial Museum said: International cooperation plays an important role in all activities of the unit. International cooperation not only enhances mutual understanding, information sharing, and experience exchange in the fields of museum activities but also helps the museum’s staff to grasp practical experience, accumulate knowledge so that they can actively implement their professional work. Accordingly, from 2016 up to now, we have welcomed nearly 10 delegations of foreign experts to conduct archaeological surveys at sites and monuments in the area…

Foreign experts and staff of the Institute of Archeology study animal fossils at Lang Son Provincial Museum

In addition, at present, Lang Son province has been building and developing Lang Son Geopark, building a dossier to submit to UNESCO for recognition as a Global Geopark in order to contribute to the sustainable development of the province. Therefore, the functional sector has actively coordinated with the UNESCO Representative Office in Vietnam, UNESCO consultants to conduct surveys and evaluate the values of geological and cultural heritage for the construction of Lang Son Geopark; consulted investment in building and completing the infrastructure of attractions in the Geopark; developed a dossier of Lang Son Geopark and submited it to UNESCO for recognition as a Global Geopark.

In addition, the sector also links, cooperates, establishs partnerships to propagate, promote, share experience in management, development, and construction of Geopark profiles with geoparks of other countries (geological park: Oki Island (Japan), Yanqing (China), Adamello-Brenta (Italy)… participate in annual conferences, seminars and forums of the global network of UNESCO Geoparks, UNESCO Global Geoparks Asia – Pacific Network, Specialized Subcommittee on UNESCO Global Geoparks Vietnam.

According to the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism, from 2011 to now, Lang Son province has welcomed 51 delegations including: 29 Chinese delegations, 18 groups of researchers and archaeologists from Russia and France; 4 delegations from England, France, Australia, Japan and Korea visited and surveyed Lang Son cultural tourism. The province also organized 69 delegations to visit and work abroad; participated in 11 art festivals, exchange programs, introduction and promotion of cultural products abroad.

Thanks to the positive solutions, the beauties in the cultural heritage of Lang Son province are more known to the world, such as: Then practice heritage recognized by UNESCO; geological and cultural heritages of Lang Son Geopark… Also through the above cooperation projects, the staff, experts, the province’s Culture, Sports and Tourism sector have been trained in knowledge, regularly consulted on expertise, procedures, instructions on how to solve difficulties and share some international experiences.

Through this, it can be seen that international cooperation in conservation and promotion has been contributing to spreading the value of Lang Son’s cultural heritage and create attraction for domestic and foreign tourists, thereby contributing to promoting socio-economic development in the area.