Friday,  09/20/2024

Scientific conference on “Lang Son Museum – Further developing”

On the morning of June 24, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism held a scientific conference “Lang Son Museum – Further developing” on the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Provincial Museum (June 24, 1993 – June 24, 2023).

Delegates attending the conference

Attending were the representatives of a number of departments, boards and sectors of the province; cultural – information divisions and culture, sports and media centers of districts and Lang Son city; the representatives of museums of Thai Nguyen, Yen Bai and Lao Cai provinces; experts, researchers in the field of museums, cultural heritage inside and outside the province…

30 years ago, the People’s Committee of Lang Son province issued Decision No. 441/QD-UB, dated June 24, 1993 on the establishment of Lang Son Provincial Museum by separating the Museum Conservation Division of the Department of Culture – Information into an independent unit. Currently, the Provincial Museum is one of 7 units under the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism. Lang Son Museum is one of the provincial-level museums that meet second-grade standards according to the regulations of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism and one of 52 tourist attractions under the Decision of the Provincial People’s Committee.

In recent years, the Provincial Museum regularly adds artifacts on specific topics to the collections. The unit has strengthened coordination with the Institute of Archeology, central research centers, international scientists (from Russia, Australia, France…) in fieldwork, archaeological survey; organizes expeditions to excavate archeology, from paleontological relics to the culture of Bac Son, Mai Pha…; to strengthen research on local history, archeology, ethnography, relics and intangible cultural heritage as a basis for display, propaganda, and records and ranking of relics and to advise the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism in programs and projects to preserve and promote local cultural heritage. Display and propaganda activities are constantly innovated and diversified through fixed display, specialized display, experiential activities at the museum; mobile exhibitions, “history lovers” clubs in localities in the province to reach out to the public and improve the effectiveness of propaganda. Currently, the average number of visitors to the museum is about 12,000 – 15,000 people a year.


Associate Professor, Dr. Nguyen Van Huy, Former Director of the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology speaks at the conference

In addition to the achieved results, the current display system at the museum is outdated with degraded equipment and facilities… Therefore, the conference was organized to find solutions to change, invest build a new structure, expressing Lang Son’s identity and uniqueness of local history and culture.

At the conference, the delegates presented and clarified issues related to the construction and development of Lang Son Museum over the past 30 years, such as the renovation to catch up with the needs of the times; the results achieved and the directions set out in the coming time; the current situation and solutions to adjust the display and to renovate the display system at Lang Son Museum; experience in organizing and implementing educational programs at museums; lessons and solutions in the exhibition…

The conference was an opportunity to consult with managers, experts, scientists, researchers in the field of museums and heritage conservation for ideas and advice to the Department and units on directions, tasks and solutions to further develop Lang Son Provincial Museum.