Friday,  09/20/2024

Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee inspected at the border gates

(LSO) – On July 20, Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee inspected the situation of goods import and export at the border gates including Tan Thanh, Coc Nam and Huu Nghi International Border Gate and worked with the Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son. Border Gate Economic Zone.

According to the report of the Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son Border Gate Economic Zone, over the past time, the import and export of goods through the provincial border gates has decreased sharply due to the impact of Covid-19.

Specifically, the total import-export turnover through the province in the first 6 months of 2020 reached 1,320 million USD, reaching 24% of the plan, down 42.9% over the same period in 2019. Result of collecting fees for using infrastructure works , service works, public utilities in the border gate area (according to Resolution No. 01/2019/NQ-HDND) in 6 months decreased by 23.4% over the same period in 2019 (earned nearly 213 billion VND).

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, inspected the plan to improve the specialized route of goods importing and exporting at Huu Nghi International Border Gate

The prevention and control of Covid-19 epidemic in border area has been seriously carried out. Up to this point, no cases have been found positive for Covid-19 in the border area as well as in the province.

Regarding the investment, construction and upgrading of works and infrastructure at the border gates, the Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son Border Gate Economic Zone is coordinating with a number of units to conduct surveys in order to renovate, widen the specialized route of goods transportation in the area of ​​Huu Nghi International Border Gate (at the landmark no. 1119-1120); research to renovate and construct landslide prevention works at the route serving import and export, connecting Tan Thanh border gate, Van Lang district (Lang Son, Vietnam) and Ka Feng control area (China) etc.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, inspected the situation of goods import and export at Coc Nam border gate

Speaking at the meeting, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee pointed out that in the coming time, the import and export activities of goods would still face many difficulties. Therefore, all levels, departments, branches and relevant units should actively study and develop solutions to attract more businesses to import and export goods through the province.

The Customs Department should continue to implement synchronous measures to increase the tax revenue from import and export activities and strengthen measures to prevent and combat trade frauds through import and export activities.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, delivered a speech at the meeting

The Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son Border Gate Economic Zone should continue to coordinate with sectors to organize talks with Guangxi (China) to unify solutions to solve difficulties in import and export activities. In particular, it is necessary to urgently exchange with the Chinese side to soon restore customs clearance activities at the auxiliary border gates such as Na Nua, Binh Nghi, Na Hinh, and Po Nhung. The Management Board should continue to closely coordinate with the authorities of border districts, sectors and related forces to effectively implement the management work at the border areas. At the same time, they need to urgently complete the plan to renovate the specialized route of goods import and export of at Huu Nghi International Border Gate for early construction.

Mr. Chairman emphasized that in the coming time, all sectors, units, functional forces would continue to drastically implement measures to prevent and control Covid-19. In addition, it is necessary to take quick steps to suspend the operation of the specialized driving team, thereby shortening customs clearance time, at the same time creating more favorable conditions for goods import and export businesses. The border forces should continue to drastically implement border control measures at the border line, preventing illegal entry and exit.