Saturday,  09/21/2024

Attracting investment in Dong Dang – Lang Son border-gate economic zone: An impressive “return”

– Developing Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone needs the investment and mobilization of domestic and foreign resources. Over the past time, due to the influence of Covid-19 and some other factors, activities to attract investment in Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone have been “stalled”. Additionally, the invested projects that have temporarily suspended also account for a large number. Entering 2021, with the province’s flexible mechanisms and policies, investment attraction activities have made an impressive “return”.

Although Chi Ma border gate has been a potential border area for many years for development, but attracting investment projects here has faced many difficulties due to some problems.

Since upgraded into Chi Ma (Lang Son – Vietnam) – Ai Diem (China) bilateral border gates (China), especially in 2021, many investors have come to survey and ask to invest and implement projects in this border gate area. Mr. Nong Hai Thang, Director of the Border Gate Management Center, in Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone said: “In the period of 2011-2020, there were 20 enterprises investing in a number of projects in Chi Ma border gate area. However, most of the projects are temporarily suspended or operating in moderation, some projects that are about to be invested also have to stop. But from the beginning of 2021 up to now, 12 projects (non-state budget) have returned to stable operation. Specifically, the project of general business services, import-export goods processing area of ​​Vinh Long Construction Co., Ltd.; commercial business project of import-export and warehouse, processing storage of goods of Xuan Cuong Company Co., Ltd.; the project of storing general goods of Kim Phuc Ha Co., Ltd., the project of gathering and checking area of import-export goods of Tran Quang Nghia Co., Ltd. … Not only invested projects has been operating again, in the first quarter of 2021, 8 investors came to survey and carry out investment procedures. As of April 15, there is 1 project started its construction.”

Investors continue to pay attention to invest in general services (logistic) at Huu Nghi International Border Gate

Not only at Chi Ma border gate, at Huu Nghi International Border Gate, Tan Thanh Border Gate, Binh Nghi Border Gate…, the number of projects back into operation in the first quarter of 2021 has increased considerably. Specifically, besides 25 business projects on storage and warehouse, there are 41 non-state budget investment projects in other areas such as commercial service systems at border gates, non-tariff zones, bonded warehouses, processing goods… has returned to operation.

In order to have such an impressive “return” in attracting investment in Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone, recently, beside continuing to implement general preferential mechanisms and policies according to regulations of the Central Government, Lang Son Provincial People’s Committee has also implemented a number of specific preferential policies for businesses investing in the border gate economic zone. Specifically, preferential corporate income tax (exemption for 4 years and 50% reduction in the next 9 years), import-export tax exemption for businesses investing in the border gate economic zone (exempt import tax on goods to create fixed assets, means of transport, technological lines to implement investment projects …); incentives for land and water surface rent (exemption for 3 years from the date of completing project for projects on the list of encouraged investment fields; 7 years for investment projects at areas with difficult socio-economic conditions…); a number of policies to support investment projects such as supporting the construction of infrastructure such as roads, electricity and water; support for site clearance, support for labor training (according to the Resolution No. 12/2018/NQ-HDND dated December 10, 2018 of the Provincial People’s Council), support for credit interest rates …

Mr. Nguyen Trong Nghia, Head of the Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone said: “From the end of 2020 and the first months of 2021, in order to promote investment attraction in the province in general, to Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone in particular, leaders of the province and leaders of functional sectors call for investment through many channels (mass media, provincial information portals, advertising channels from businesses …). Not only attracting by the mechanism, over the past time, leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee have also actively established relationships, exchanged information directly with investors, and answered questions of businesses. At the same time, in the permissible conditions, the Provincial People’s Committee organized a delegation to major localities such as Hanoi, Da Nang, and Ho Chi Minh City to promote the development potential of Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone.

In addition, following the instructions of the Provincial People’s Committee, in the early months of 2021, the Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone focused on creating clean sites to wait for investors. Specifically, the committee has coordinated with border districts to implement additional site clearance for nearly 40 additional hectares.

These efforts have been proved by remarkable results in the early months of 2021. Through the implementation of these solutions, some border gate areas such as Huu Nghi International Border Gate, Chi Ma, Tan Thanh , Binh Nghi Border Gate … continue to be safe and promising destinations for investors.

According to the leader of Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone, in the first quarter of 2021, there were many large and creditable investors and corporations researched and surveyed 21 projects in Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone (in the list of 37 projects attracting investment capital in the province in the period of 2019 – 2025). Currently, there are investors who are taking a number of steps to invest in this area, mainly focusing on investment in the project of an inland port, general services (logistics) and agricultural products processing at border gates …