Friday,  09/20/2024

The Provincial People’s Committee held a meeting to consider the draft New-style Rural Building Project for the 2021-2025 period

Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the meeting

On June 1, the Provincial People’s Committee held a thematic meeting to review the draft Resolution of the Provincial People’s Council approving the New-style Rural Building Project in Lang Son province in the 2021-2025 period. Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee chaired the meeting.

According to the draft project, striving by 2025, the whole province will have 115/181 communes meeting new-style rural standards, accounting for 63.5%; 32 communes will meet advanced new-style rural standards; 12 communes will meet model new-style rural standards, one district will meet new-style rural standards; the percentage of communes with motorways to the commune center will reach 100%; the percentage of villages with motorways to the village center will reach 80%; 220 schools at all levels will meet national standards; the percentage of villages with cultural houses meeting new-style rural standards will be 60%; the percentage of communes meeting the national set of criteria on commune health will be 100%; 100% of communes will meet irrigation criteria; the rate of rural population using hygienic water will reach 99%; 100% of communes will be covered by 4G; per capita income in rural areas will increase by 1.3 times compared to 2020; the rate of poor households will decrease by an average of 3%/year or more; newly established 60 cooperatives, 40 cooperation groups operating in the field of agriculture; there will be at least 50 more OCOP products (one commune one product program) with three stars or more and so on.

It is expected that the total mobilized resources for the construction of the new-style rural area in the 2021-2025 period is 24,829.2 billion VND. To implement the goals of building new-style rural areas mentioned above, the content of the project has developed 10 groups of specific solutions such as strengthening leadership and direction to organize the implementation of the project; develop a number of mechanisms and policies to implement the construction of new-style rural areas; well implement rural planning in association with urban development planning; extensive propaganda and mobilization work among all strata of the People on the construction of new rural areas; developing rural socio-economic infrastructure and so on.

At the meeting, the delegates focused on discussing and giving opinions on each specific content such as resources for implementing the new-style rural building program; supplement and adjust a number of sentences and criteria related to electricity, poverty rate, income, material and cultural facilities; consider adjusting, re-editing the title, legal basis, layout of the draft project and forth.

Concluding the meeting, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee highly appreciated the efforts of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, the Provincial Rural Development Coordination Office in implementing and developing the draft project.

The Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested the drafting agency to fully absorb the reasonable comments at the meeting to complete the project. In which, it is necessary to develop a brief draft resolution, focusing on stating viewpoints, objectives and methods of implementation; clarifying the program implementation budget and reciprocal resources; every year, each district needs to choose one commune to strive to meet new-style rural standards, districts with good conditions should strive for two communes meeting new-style rural standards/year.