Saturday,  09/21/2024

TH True MILK produces hi-tech miracles on land with severe weather

TH True MILK produces hi-tech miracles on land with severe weather hinh anh 1Vast fields in TH farms with modern irrigation and harvest systems (Photo: VietnamPlus)

For the past over a decade, TH True Milk has become a pioneering brand on the market of clean fresh milk, with ensured quality and unceasing innovation in its products.

Behind the success is talented and dedicated executives and colleagues who are enthusiastic in the application of hi-tech to agriculture.

Bringing pioneering technologies to Vietnam

In mid-June 2022, the sun shines for up to 11 hours each day with outdoor temperature reaching almost 40 degrees C at the highest. However, nearly 70,000 milch cows at the TH farm there are grazing and moving about as normal, producing 36 litres of milk a day, a high level for the world, even for countries with the most favourable weather conditions.

TH True MILK produces hi-tech miracles on land with severe weather hinh anh 2Tran Thi Nhu Trang works with herd management experts and vets. In the past, TH had to hire experts from Israel, but now young experts of TH have replaced foreigners in most links. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

For such a miracle to be realized, TH managers, experts, technicians and workers have always been present on the fields and in the sheds be it sunny or rainy, cold or hot.

The building of a dairy farm in this land was considered an accomplishment in conquering nature, as milch cows are considered animals of the temperate zone. “We have made it, because right from the beginning, we applied the most advanced techniques and technologies in husbandry and production, invited good experts who are ready to settle in Vietnam,” said Tran Thi Nhu Trang, head of the Farming Technology section of TH True Milk, which operates the TH farm.

TH True MILK produces hi-tech miracles on land with severe weather hinh anh 3Cows are attached with Pedometer chips to collect information on their health and nutrition. (Photo: VietnamPlus)


TH True MILK produces hi-tech miracles on land with severe weather hinh anh 4A close-up of the Pedometer chips attached to cows’ legs. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

“Each year, the TH farm supplies nearly 300 million litres of clean milk as material for TH factories to produce natural products familiar to Vietnamese consumers, such as TH Fresh Milk, TH True Yogurt, TH True Ice Cream, TH True Ice Cream, TH True Juice, and TH True Nut,” said Trang, adding that more creative and breakthrough products will debut in the time ahead.

In December 2020, the World Record Union recognized the TH farm in Nghe An as the world’s largest high-tech concentrated farm cluster with the world’s largest closed process.

Even at the start of the construction of the complex, TH was determined to use world leading technologies that had not been seen in Vietnam. Not only importing and applying such technologies, TH staff have step by step mastered the technology to achieve unprecedented productivity and economic efficiency.

More than 12 years ago, Trang was still a young expert at TH, but she already had a broad vision when implementing hi-tech strategies of TH leaders.

TH True MILK produces hi-tech miracles on land with severe weather hinh anh 5Trang works with herd management experts and vets. In the past, TH had to hire experts from Israel, but now young experts of TH have replaced foreigners in most links. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

Various technologies are being used at the farm, such as the Afifarm herd management software of Israel, veterinary management tool of Total Vets (New Zealand), the Amiad water treatment and filtration solution, or 4.0 technology like SAP, ERP and leading quality standards like ISO, Halal, USDA Organic, or EU Organic.

Technology breakthrough bringing fresh milk from green field
Trang recalled that the TH group entered the milk market in Vietnam when few local consumers paid attention to the concept of “fresh milk”. At that time, 92 percent of milk products in the domestic market were reconstituted milk. Due to limited domestic supply of fresh milk, companies imported powdered milk and combined it with water and other substance to make pasterised milke.

TH True MILK produces hi-tech miracles on land with severe weather hinh anh 6Harvesting maize silage at TH True Milk farm (Photo: VietnamPlus)


TH True MILK produces hi-tech miracles on land with severe weather hinh anh 7Harvesting maize silage at TH True Milk farm (Photo: VietnamPlus)

TH has a True word in its name, reflecting its direction of farming True milch cows, producing true fresh milk, thus changing the position of the dairy cow farming industry and commercial standards of milk on the market.

According to Trang, the group leaders have led with daring mindset, accepting challenges in carrying out a 1.2 billion USD hi-tech project towards sustainable development. “Our technology section has successfully used the key of technology to open the door to hi-tech agriculture for Vietnam,” she said.

Trang introduced us to the modern and costly combined harvesting machines imported from Israel which perform many tasks in farming.

In TH farms, machines have entirely replaced manual work. Only one worker is needed to operate the machines, performing all farming tasks on an area of 3-5 ha a day.

TH True MILK produces hi-tech miracles on land with severe weather hinh anh 8Hi-tech has been effectively used at TH True Milk farms. (Photo: VietnamPlus)


TH True MILK produces hi-tech miracles on land with severe weather hinh anh 9Hi-tech has been effectively used at TH True Milk farms. (Photo: VietnamPlus)


TH True MILK produces hi-tech miracles on land with severe weather hinh anh 10Hi-tech has been effectively used at TH True Milk farms. (Photo: VietnamPlus)

In each phase of growth, cows at TH farms are fed with particularly-mixed food ensuring sufficient nutrition. “TH is the first company to use entirely automatic system for mixing fodders and feeding the cows,” Trang said.

The process of milking and processing at TH is also fully automated, ensuring milk quality.

TH True MILK produces hi-tech miracles on land with severe weather hinh anh 11Trang checks technical details at the control centre for fodder mixing (Photo: VietnamPlus)


TH True MILK produces hi-tech miracles on land with severe weather hinh anh 12Trang checks technical details at the control centre for fodder mixing (Photo: VietnamPlus)


TH True MILK produces hi-tech miracles on land with severe weather hinh anh 13Trang checks technical details at the control centre for fodder mixing (Photo: VietnamPlus)


TH True MILK produces hi-tech miracles on land with severe weather hinh anh 14Trang checks technical details at the control centre for fodder mixing (Photo: VietnamPlus)

It is technology that allows TH to keep the full nutrition and good taste of the fresh milk, benefiting consumers’ health.

“From green field to a glass of clean milk,” TH has overcome many challenges to achieve the goal.

Such staff members of TH as Trang and her colleagues, with their perseverance, have brought high technology and closed production processes to many new farms of TH, conquering many lands with severe climate conditions in Ha Giang, Phu Yen, Kon Tum, Thanh Hoa, Cao Bang and An Giang.

TH has also reached out to the world with major projects in vast land in Australia and Russia. TH products are step by step establishing their position in potential markets such as China, the US or Singapore./.

“From this land, I know that the journey to the world, overcoming challenges, masterising technology to pursue the direction of making natural products good for community health still continues,”

Tran Thi Nhu Trang, head of the Farming Technology section 

