Friday,  09/20/2024

The Central Economic Commission surveyed the implementation of Directive No. 16 in the province

On the afternoon of July 14, the delegation of the Central Economic Commission led by Mr. Do Ngoc An, Deputy Head of the Central Economic Commission, worked with provincial leaders on the implementation of Directive No. 16 dated May 8, 2012 of the 11th Secretariat on “Strengthening the leadership of the Party in sending Vietnamese workers and experts to work abroad” (referred to as labor export work) in the province.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee chaired the meeting with the delegation.

Implementing Directive No. 16, the Provincial Party Committee has issued a document to thoroughly understand and direct the implementation in order to raise the awareness of Party committees and authorities at all levels regarding labor export work.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the meeting

From 2013 to June 2022, there were 1,834 people working abroad in the province. Of which, 1,735 people are ethnic minorities, poor households, remote areas and demobilized soldiers. They worked mainly in Korea, Japan and Taiwan.

The laborers go to work abroad through service businesses and in the form of individual contract registration; the income after deducting living expenses of labor is from 18 to 30 million VND/month (depending on the labor market).

Besides the achieved results, the work of exporting labor under contract still has some limitations such as the educational level of people in the area is not equal; skills of laborers are limited; The management and monitoring of the number of employees going to work abroad to have their contracts extended according to regulations is still difficult.

At the meeting, the delegates exchanged and clarified some more contents such as the management of businesses, training companies and labor transfer; management and support for employees before and after working abroad… At the same time, the delegates discussed solutions in the coming time to better implement labor export.

Comrade Do Ngoc An, Deputy Head of the Central Economic Commission – Head of the Delegation spoke at the meeting

Speaking at the meeting, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee affirmed that The province has determined to continue implementing labor export programs, which focused on difficult districts of the province. At the same time, the province also focused on training a specific and high-tech profession to supply labor resources in some countries such as Japan and Korea. Thereby the province contributed to creating jobs and increasing incomes for workers.

Along with that, Mr. Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee raised a number of proposals and recommendations such as The Government continued to pay attention to and invest in resources to support labor training; continued to have more solutions to support Vietnamese workers when working abroad; after reviewing the implementation of Directive No. 16, the Central Government continued to issue new directives on this work;…

Speaking at the meeting, Deputy Head of the Central Economic Commission highly appreciated the implementation of Directive No. 16 of Lang Son province. He also shared about some solutions to deploy the work of sending workers to work abroad in some other localities across the country.

Mr. head of the delegation suggested that in order  to effectively implement Directive No. 16, in the coming time, Lang Son province will continue to promote the participation of the whole political system to propagate and mobilize people to understand and participate in the program of sending laborers to work abroad under contracts; pay attention to orientation and vocational training for laborers; continue to establish industrial zones and clusters in the province, create jobs in the province;…

In the morning of the same day, the delegation of the Central Economic Commission went to survey and work with leaders of Huu Lung district on the implementation of Directive 16.