Friday,  09/20/2024

Cao Loc district: Focusing on site clearance for key traffic projects

With the goal of June 2023, basically completing the site clearance of 2 key transport infrastructure projects, namely the Project of Renovating and upgrading National Highway 4B from km 3+700 to km 18 and the Project of Renovating and Upgrading the district road No.28 Cao Loc – Ba Son, right from the beginning of 2023, Cao Loc district has proposed many specific solutions and put all its efforts to complete the set goals.

By the end of 2022, Cao Loc District People’s Committee has handed over 36/45 hectares of land to the investor in the National Highway 4B Renovating and Upgrading Project, equivalent to 80% of the volume; The Project of Renovating and Upgrading Road No.28 Cao Loc – Ba Son has handed over the ground for 15.95/35.3 ha, equivalent to 45.1% of the volume.

The contractor performed ground leveling for the Road Renovating and Upgrading Project in district 28 Cao Loc – Ba Son, the section through Hoa Cu commune

Thus, from now until the end of June 2023, Cao Loc district must recover, compensate and hand over the ground to the investor to implement the two key transport infrastructure projects mentioned above with an area of ​​about 30 hectares.

The volume of work need to be solved is very large and complicated because the area to be recovered is located in the locations where people are wondering about the compensation price and encountering problems in the case of building houses on agricultural land.

Mr. Nguyen Duy Anh, Chairman of Cao Loc District People’s Committee said: The basic timeline for completing the site clearance of the two above projects has been approved by the District Land Clearance Steering Committee until the end of June 2023.  On the basis of reviewing all difficulties and obstacles, the District Steering Committee assigned the District People’s Committee to make a detailed plan and work with the investor to implement the work from the beginning of the year to accelerate the site clearance progress with the highest political determination and the most drastic.

Accordingly, the District People’s Committee has developed documents for the members of the steering committee to directly monitor each commune with the affected area to propagate and mobilize to each residential area. Every week, leaders of the district People’s Committee deliver a meeting to evaluate the progress of each project and remove obstacles in site clearance. When recommendations arise, leaders of the district People’s Committee will directly meet with people to dialogue, propagate and mobilize.

Regarding the responsibility of the Land Fund Development Center, the District People’s Committee consolidated the whole system; supplement the quota of officers to meet the requirements of the task of promoting the handling of work related to site clearance. Up to now, the total number of officials and employees at the District Land Fund Development Center is 26 people, of which the staff directly in charge of the two projects mentioned above is 18 people. Center staff regularly worked overtime on Saturday and Sunday to meet the progress requirements of the district.

At the commune and district levels, communes with projects have passed to strengthen the steering committee and assign specific tasks to each member in capturing thoughts and aspirations, propaganda and advocacy. Party members and cadres themselves must be exemplary in observing the work of recovery of compensation and resettlement support when the State recovers land, thereby spreading to other households.

Mr. La Van Tung, Chairman of Hoa Cu Commune People’s Committee said: The work of mobilizing and propagating the People about the implementation of the Project on Renovating and upgrading District Road No.28 Cao Loc – Ba Son has been implemented by the commune one step ahead. When the province just approved the investment policy, the commune publicly informed about the scale, implementation time, and expected scope of recovery to households from the beginning of 2021. In addition, the commune also provided villages with documents of the State applied in the process of recovery, compensation, support and resettlement for people to look up.

Thanks to the initiative in disseminating information about the project, the percentage of supporters supporting the project in Hoa Cu commune reached 98%. According to statistics, the whole commune has 154 affected households with an area of 3.88 ha, so far, 100% of the households have agreed on the measurement and tally volume.; There are 14 households voluntarily handing over the premises in advance with an area of 5,000 m2.

Mr. Ngo Van Bao, from Ban Luan village, Hoa Cu commune said: When the investor and commune officials mobilized and propagated, my family voluntarily handed over the site in advance with an area of ​​nearly 700 m2 for the construction unit to dig and fill the roadbed. Our desire is that the State do it as quickly as possible to have a beautiful road for trade and production development.

Thanks to the support of the People and the drastic participation of functional units implementing site clearance projects, right in January 2023, The Cao Loc District Land Fund Development Center has submitted to the District People’s Committee for consideration and approval a plan of compensation and support for resettlement at the National Highway 4B Renovating and Upgrading Project with a total of 130 affected households, the acquired area is about 10 hectares. As for the Project on Renovating and Upgrading District Road No. 28 Cao Loc – Ba Son, the center has submitted for approval a provisional plan in Hoa Cu commune for 154 households, compensation value of 14.2 billion VND.

Mr. Hoang Manh Cuong, Vice Chairman of Cao Loc District People’s Committee said: Regarding the Project of Renovating and upgrading National Highway 4B, the section through Cao Loc district, the district strives to complete approval for about 500 affected households in the first quarter of 2023 to pay compensation and hand over the site to the investor from the beginning of the second quarter of 2023. Regarding District  Road No.28, the district requested the Land Fund Development Center to complete approval for 667 households in Hai Yen and Cao Lau communes to basically hand over enough land to the investor for construction of items within the first 6 months of 2023.

With the highest determination of the District Land Clearance Steering Committee in the leadership, direction and participation of the whole political system in carrying out land clearance work for 2 key transport infrastructure projects, it is believes that the goals and plans set by the district will be completed on time, contributing to speeding up the construction progress of high-pervasive traffic works being invested in the district.