Friday,  09/20/2024

Continuing promoting trade in agricultural and aquatic products between Vietnam and China

On the morning of February 14, in Lang Son city, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) coordinated with the People’s Committee of Lang Son province to organize a conference to promote trade in agricultural and aquatic products between Vietnam and China in the new context.

The conference was held online connected to the MARD, the General Department of Vietnam Customs, southern provinces and cities and functional agencies of Guangxi, China.

Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan and Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Ho Tien Thieu co-chaired the conference in Lang Son province.

Attending the conference at the host location were leaders of some central ministries and branches, leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development of 16 northern provinces; representatives of agencies, associations, industries, businesses, cooperatives, traders  importing and exporting agricultural and aquatic products, fruits from Vietnam and China…

The leader of Asia – Africa Market Department, Ministry of Industry and Trade addresses the conference

According to the report at the conference, in 2022, the total two-way import and export turnover of agricultural and aquatic products between Vietnam and China was $14.2 billion (up 12.7% compared to 2021). Particularly, the turnover of Vietnamese goods exported to the Chinese market reached 10.4 billion USD (up 10.4% compared to 2021). In 2022, the trade turnover between Guangxi (China) and Vietnam alone was more than 29.2 billion USD, accounting for 95% of the border trade turnover between Vietnam and China. This shows the important role of Guangxi (China) in bilateral trade between the two countries.

In 2023, it is forecasted that in addition to opportunities and advantages when the customs clearance of agricultural products through the Vietnam – China border gate improves, there are still many difficulties and challenges in the new context affecting the two-way import and export of agricultural and aquatic products between the two countries such as the trend of decreasing demand for goods; some potential products of Vietnam that have not been officially exported to the Chinese market such as pomelo, avocado, custard apple, wax apple, coconut, Lanxangia tsaoko, pineapple, salted jellyfish…; slowly-updated information about market and customs clearance; loose connection with traders, export processing enterprises;…

At the conference, representatives of functional agencies and associations, industries and businesses of the two countries briefed on the situation of import-export activities, trade, cooperation to promote trade, difficulties, problems in plant quarantine and export food safety, existing problems in exporting agricultural and aquatic products to the Chinese market, etc. At the same time,  they put forward recommendations and solutions remove difficulties in importing and exporting goods at the border gates of the two countries to further promote the trade of agricultural and aquatic products between Vietnam and China.

Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Lang Son province Ho Tien Thieu addresses conference

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Lang Son province stated: “The turnover of agricultural products and fruits exported to China accounts for about 80% of the total value of goods exported through Lang Son province. Typically, they are key fruits such as dragon fruit, mango, jackfruit, lychee, watermelon, banana and dried agricultural products such as black jelly, tapioca starch… Exported aquatic products have arisen, but it only accounts for modest percentage.”

Over the past time, Lang Son province has always clearly defined its responsibilities for the country’s import and export activities through border gates in the province; remained consistent policy of creating the most favorable conditions to build a civilized, synchronous and friendly business and investment environment for enterprises to invest in production, business, import and export of goods in the locality. Lang Son province will continue to seriously and drastically implement tasks and solutions to further promote import, export and border trade activities with Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (China), contributing to the economic development of the country.

Delegates attending the conference

Speaking at the conference, Member of the Party Central Committee, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan highly appreciated the efforts of all levels, sectors and localities in promoting two-way trade in agricultural and aquatic products between Vietnam and China in recent years.

Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan speaks at the conference

The Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development pointed out: “In order to promote the two-way trade of agricultural and aquatic products between Vietnam and China, in the coming time, the functional agencies of the border provinces of Vietnam and Guangxi (China) are required to coordinate in further promoting trade in agricultural and aquatic products, and foods between Vietnam and China in 2023 and the following years; border provinces are to continue to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with Guangxi (China) in import and export activities at the border gates; continue to strengthen information exchange on the situation of customs clearance of goods a with central ministries and branches. It is also necessary to study regional linkage measures to enhance connectivity in trade activities. Associations, industries, businesses … should continue to accompany the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and local authorities to offer more solutions, plans and programs to shape and promote cross-border trade activities with China in the future.

It is known that through this conference, the specialized management agencies of the two sides will have more information to propose to the governments of the two countries for policies to facilitate the import and export of agricultural and aquatic products.