Friday,  09/20/2024

Transparency of information for the sake of consumers

With the theme “Transparent Information – Safe Consumption”, activities to respond to Vietnam Consumer Rights Day 2023 are carried out synchronously from provincial to grassroots levels in various forms.

On September 27, 2022, the Ministry of Industry and Trade issued Plan No. 5763/KH-BCT on organizing activities to respond to Vietnam Consumers Rights Day 2023 with the theme “Transparent information – Safe consumption”. Mr. Lieu Anh Minh, Deputy Director of the Department of Industry and Trade said: “In order to protect the interests of consumers, the first priority is to be transparent about information of goods. Therefore, in addition to the synchronous and effective organization of activities to respond to Vietnam Consumers Rights Day, a prerequisite for the business community, consumers, organizations and individuals is to be promptly notice State management agencies, relevant organizations and individuals when detecting poor-quality goods and services or those posing a risk to consumers in the market. The functional sectors should be responsible to receiving and resolving complaints of customer and advising them so that they can protect themselves or assisting them in resolving disputes with organizations and individuals providing goods and services; encouraging and creating favorable conditions for consumers and suppliers of goods and services to settle disputes. Additionally, they should strengthen inspection and punishment in accordance with the law for violations of consumer rights, contributing to building a healthy business environment…”

Officials of the Provincial Market Management Department encourage business households in Huu Lung district to sign a commitment to sell goods at the listed price

In response to Consumers Rights Day 2023, from the beginning of March, the Department of Industry and Trade coordinated with the People’s Committees of districts and Lang Son city to hang 40 banners on the main roads of the city and some main roads in the centers of the districts with slogans related to Vietnam Consumers Rights Day 2023 such as “Choose safe products to protect yourself, your family and society”, “Consumers have the right to be fully provided with accurate information in transaction”… Especially, on March 15, 2023, the Department of Industry and Trade coordinated with relevant agencies to organize a parade on the main roads in the city to popularize the meaning of Vietnam Consumer Rights Day and laws related to consumer protection…

According to reports from the functional agencies, currently, in the province, there are over 3,600 enterprises operating in production and business. In particular, business units and enterprises always pay attention to providing the most transparent information to consumers.

Ms. Nguyen Thanh Ha, Director of Minh Phat Lang Son One Member Company Limited (in Hoang Van Thu ward, Lang Son city) said: “Our company specializes in selling agricultural products such as meat, vegetables, fruits, processed foods, OCOP products… Currently, the company has more than 300 agricultural products introduced and sold on the e-commerce platforms. On average, we sell about 150 orders per day. In order to protect the interests of consumers, we always commit that all products have clear information, traceability stamps, and they are certified for food hygiene and safety. In addition, we also commit that the products when they arrive to customers are of guaranteed quality and we are ready to assist customers in verifying the goods before receiving them. This not only helps us maintain our reputation, but also helps protect our customers’ interests.”

Employees of Dien May Xanh Supermarket in Lang Son city advise customers to buy authentic electronic products

Mr. Le Minh Hoan, block 6, Vinh Trai ward, Lang Son city said: “Years ago, when shopping, I often did not pay attention to product information such as origin, production unit, product brand … so there was a time when I bought something of unknown origin with poor quality. After receiving information from the authorities through TV, newspapers, loudspeakers, etc., up to now, I have chosen reputable businesses and sales units with transparent and detailed product information… avoiding purchasing poor-quality or fake goods, thereby, I protect my own rights and my family’s.

In the diversity of the current commodity market, the transparency of information of production facilities and businesses is very important to contribute to protecting the interests of consumers. Therefore, along with the increasing management, propaganda, inspection, supervision of the authorities, the transparency of information about goods and services, consumers themselves need to improve their understanding of this issue to self- protect their interests when purchasing goods and using services.