Friday,  09/20/2024

Meeting to discuss about investment project on the infrastructure construction and business of VSIP Lang Son Industrial Park

On the morning of May 25, the Provincial People’s Committee held a meeting to consider and implement the investment project of infrastructure construction and business of VSIP Lang Son Industrial Park. Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Ho Tien Thieu chaired the meeting.

Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Ho Tien Thieu addresses the meeting

There were also the leaders of some provincial departments and sectors, the Party Committee and People’s Committee of Huu Lung district and Vietnam Singapore Urban and Industrial Park Development Joint Stock Company as the representative of investor.

At the meeting, the representative of investor presented about the project implementation result and the implementation plan in the coming time.

Accordingly, in May 2023, the Prime Minister issued Decision No. 501/QD-TTg approving the investment policy of Investment project in infrastructure construction and business of VSIP Lang Son industrial park, Lang Son province and approving Vietnam Singapore Industrial Park and Urban Development Joint Stock Company as the investor to implement the project.

Regarding the project implementation plan, the representative of investor would continue to complete the application for investment registration certificate of a project with the land use scale of 599.76 hectares; to carry out compensation and site clearance for the project; to complete legal procedures for change of land use purpose; to report about environmental impact assessment; to connect and build technical infrastructure…

The representative of investor speaks at the meeting

In addition, the representative of investor raised a number of difficulties and obstacles in terms of power supply and traffic infrastructure. At the same time, he asked the Provincial People’s Committee, relevant departments and sectors to pay attention to speeding up the issuance of investment registration certificate of the project and the certificate of establishment registration of VSIP Lang Son Co., Ltd; to guide investors in processing the project’s legal procedures; to direct the implementation of site clearance; to accelerate resettlement project in Ho Son and Hoa Thang communes, Huu Lung district and the Ho Son intersection project…

At the meeting, the leaders of departments and sectors discussed and clarified a number of contents related to financial obligations to change the purpose of rice land use, time and process of environmental impact assessment, change of forest land use purpose, electricity source arrangement, afforestation in accordance with regulations…

The leader of Huu Lung District People’s Committee reported and clarified a number of difficulties and problems related to the ground clearance of the transport infrastructure project, the arrangement of compensation and ground clearance for the settlement project in the district, funding for the construction of the cemetery to move graves in the project…

Concluding the meeting, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested departments, boards, sectors and People’s Committee of Huu Lung district to consider the implementation of the VSIP Lang Son Industrial Park project a key task. At the same time, the relevant department and sectors should pay attention to simplifying administrative procedures, speeding up the completion of procedures related to the project…

Regarding the People’s Committee of Huu Lung district, he requested the district to send a document to the Department of Finance as soon as possible and submit it to the Provincial People’s Committee for a decision on the advance of funds for site clearance compensation of the resettlement area project (in May 2023); he assigned the Department of Planning and Investment to be the focal agency responsible for summarizing and reporting to the Provincial People’s Committee on relevant contents. On that basis, the Provincial People’s Committee would have solutions to remove obstacles, ensuring the most favorable conditions for investors to implement the project.

In addition, he also suggested that the investor should strengthen coordination and exchange with relevant departments and sectors and the People’s Committee of Huu Lung district to ensure maximum acceleration of the project implementation, contributing to promoting socio-economic development in the area.