Friday,  09/20/2024

Summary of One Commune One Product Program in the period of 2019 – 2022

On June 2, the Provincial People’s Committee held a preliminary conference to review One Commune One Product (OCOP) program for the period of 2019 – 2022. Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee chaired the conference.

Delegates visit the booth displaying OCOP products of Bac Son district

Attending the conference were leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee, Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, departments, sectors, People’s Committees of districts and cities and subjects whose products are evaluated and classified; representatives of enterprises and cooperatives in processing, consulting and supporting the consumption of OCOP products inside and outside the province.

Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Ho Tien Thieu speaks at the conference

According to the report at the conference, in the period of 2019-2022, the OCOP program has been closely directed by all levels and sectors in the province and many specific solutions have been synchronously implemented.

The delegates to the conference

Specifically, in the period of 2019 – 2022, all levels and sectors have organized and integrated 679 propaganda conferences for over 31,000 people; organized 90 training conferences to improve the capacity of program implementation staff; distributed over 31,000 sets of documents; posted on the mass media. The total resources mobilized to implement the program have been nearly 17.5 billion VND…

Accordingly, 105 products have been standardized and registered to participate in the OCOP Program. The number of products that have been evaluated, classified and granted OCOP product certificates has been 94 products (73 3-star products; 21 4-star products).

Currently, the number of OCOP products in the province is 84 products, 65 of them are 3-star products; 19 are 4-star products (10 products with expired certificates within 36 months as prescribed).

The leader of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development speaks at the conference

After being recognized as meeting the OCOP standard, the product consumption market has been increasingly expanded and sales have been increasing, contributing to improving profits for the subjects.

Regarding the goals of the OCOP program in the period of 2023 – 2025, the province strives to have at least 50 more OCOP products recognized with 3 stars or more by 2025; to evaluate and classify 3 models of community-based cultural tourism villages; to consolidate and upgrade at least 40% of OCOP products that have been evaluated and graded; to prioritize the development of cooperatives, small and medium enterprises, with the aim of at least 40% of OCOP subjects as cooperatives, 10% as small and medium enterprises …

At the conference, the delegates discussed and evaluated the results achieved in the past time, shared experiences, good practices in building and developing OCOP products. At the same time, they also mentioned the difficulties and obstacles in the implementation process and suggested solutions to effectively implement the program in the coming time.

Concluding of the conference, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee emphasized: “Over the past time, relevant levels and sectors have promptly issued documents to timely and effective implement the OCOP program. Thereby, they contribute to raising awareness of officials, party members and people about the OCOP program and the successfully building and further sending OCOP products of the province, bringing economic value, improving income for the people.”

The Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested that in the coming time, in order to achieve the goals and requirements of the program, all levels and sectors should continue to do well in propaganda to raise awareness of the whole society; train OCOP subjects; develop new OCOP products in parallel with maintaining and improving the quality of products already on sales; improve the quantity and quality of products, pay special attention to food hygiene and safety, and maintain the identity of typical products of the province.

Besides, they were asked to pay attention to more careful process of the product in order to improve product quality and value, prolonging preservation time, supporting product consumption; to focus on the design, innovation of product packaging, to strengthen trade promotion, connection and consumption of products; to do well in supporting OCOP subjects in terms of capital, infrastructure, digital transformation, space to promote and introduce products.