Friday,  09/20/2024

Accelerating disbursement of public investment capital for social infrastructure projects

On the afternoon of July 10, the Working Group No. 2 of the Provincial People’s Committee held a meeting to urge and remove difficulties and obstacles to accelerate the disbursement of public investment capital for projects in the fields of culture, sports and tourism; medical; education and training; information and communication.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee speaks at the meeting

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee, Head of Working Group No. 2 chaired the meeting. Attending the meeting were representatives of the working group members; investors and leaders of People’s Committees of districts and city, Lang Son Vocational College.

At the meeting, leader of the Department of Finance reported on the implementation of 10 projects under the supervision of Task Force No. 2, urging and removing difficulties to accelerate disbursement of public investment capital.

At the meeting, representatives of leaders of the Department of Finance reported on the implementation of 10 projects under the supervision of Working Group No. 2, urging and removing difficulties to accelerate disbursement of public investment capital.

Accordingly, the total public investment capital plan in 2023 of social infrastructure projects monitored and urged by Task Group 2 is over 417 billion VND (accounting for 10.12% of the province’s public investment capital plan).

Representative of Trang Dinh District People’s Committee gives opinions at the meeting

Regarding disbursement progress, from the beginning of 2023 to the end of June 30, 2023, investors disbursed 94.2 billion VND, reaching 22.61% of the plan. Disbursement rate is much lower than the rate of disbursement of public investment capital in the province in the first 6 months (disbursed public investment capital of the province reached 29.8%). Notably, two investors, which are the Department of Information and Communications and Lang Son city, have not yet had disbursement results.

At the meeting, the representative of the investor explained the reason for the slow disbursement result due to problems in investment procedures and valuation. At the same time, they proposed solutions to promote projects in the last 6 months of the year in order to complete the disbursement of public investment capital according to the assigned plan. The members of Working Group 2 suggested that the investors urgently complete the procedures for selecting contractors and signing contracts as a basis for advance capital disbursement. For projects that have not completed investment procedures due to the fault of the slow implementation of the consulting unit, the contract will be terminated on behalf of another competent consultant to speed up the progress.

The representative of Lang Son Vocational College explained the reason for the slow disbursement of capital

Concluding the meeting, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee emphasized: Social infrastructure projects are important in realizing the province’s socio-cultural goals in 2023 and the following years. Therefore, investors assigned to implement projects need to immediately implement solutions to speed up the progress.

For investors who still have problems with land in the implementation of projects, it is necessary to coordinate with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to urgently complete the procedures for land, land use planning coordinate with the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to expeditiously complete the procedures for land, land use planning,  environment, and coordinate with the People’s Committees of districts and city to speed up the site clearance.

The members of Working Group No. 2, according to their functions and duties, strengthen inspection and urge investors. The Department of Finance and the Department of Planning and Investment closely monitor each project to adjust capital in a timely manner and take measures to support and remove problems arising during project implementation, if any. Department of Construction, State Treasury of the province speed up the appraisal of project dossiers and support investors in handling procedures related to disbursement of investment capital.