Friday,  09/20/2024

Strictly control of fresh fruit exports and imports

The total output of fresh fruit exported and imported through the provincial border gates in the first 7 months of 2023 (mainly through Tan Thanh Border Gate and Huu Nghi International Border Gate) reached nearly 1.1 million tons, an increase about 20% over the same period in 2022. Of which, nearly 920 thousand tons of fresh fruit were exported, and nearly 160 thousand tons were imported. However, according to information from the authorities, in June and July 2023 there were a number of shipments such as durian, mango, jackfruit exported and a number of tangerine shipments imported to Vietnam were forced to “turn around” because the quality was not guaranteed. In order for the import and export fruit shipments to ensure quality in accordance with the standards of food hygiene and safety, origin, etc., the quarantine agency at the border gate has tightened the plant quarantine process.

Officers of the Plant Quarantine Station of Huu Nghi International Border Gate take durian samples for quarantine at the inspection yard

Currently, on average, every day, more than 200 trucks carrying fresh fruits for import and export pass through Tan Thanh Border Gate. According to statistics of Tan Thanh Border Gate Plant Quarantine Station, in the first 7 months of 2023, the total output of fresh fruits imported and exported through the border gate is more than 685 thousand tons, of which, more than 584 thousand tons are exported. According to statistics from the customs office at Tan Thanh Border Gate, from June 2023 to now, there have been 5 shipments of jackfruit, mango … exported and some imported fruit shipments had to “turn around” because they did not meet the conditions and standards as prescribed.

Facing that fact, the plant quarantine force at Tan Thanh Border Gate has been tightening the quarantine process for import and export fruit shipments through the border gate. Accordingly, the quarantine force increased the frequency of inspection for all import and export fruit shipments. At the same time, in order to improve accuracy and objectivity, The Tan Thanh Border Gate Plant Quarantine Station has put into use the scanner system along with equipment to support analysis and assessment of sample quality and sample preservation system.

Mr. Tran Van Hieu, Deputy Director of the Plant Quarantine Sub-Department of Region 7 – Head of the Plant Quarantine Station of Tan Thanh Border Gate said: The station has arranged human and material resources, maintained overtime work, thereby both inspecting and closely monitoring the quality of import and export fruit shipments, and at the same time, it has contributed to reducing the waiting time for goods clearance of businesses.

Officials of Tan Thanh Border Gate Plant Quarantine Station check fruits exported through the border gate

Not only export and import fruit shipments through Tan Thanh Border Gate, at this time, all import and export fruit shipments through the provincial border gates are strictly inspected by the plant quarantine agency and the customs office from the declaration documents to the actual inspection. Mrs. Be Thi Thu Hien, Deputy Head of Plant Quarantine Sub-Department of Region 7 – Head of Plant Quarantine Station at Huu Nghi International Border Gate said: Currently, the quarantine agency implements 100% quarantine of pesticide residues, production areas, etc. for import and export fruit shipments. In order to facilitate support for businesses to shorten customs clearance time, by declaring information about their import and export fruit shipments on the system, The plant quarantine sub-departments at the border gates actively contact the exporters of this item to take samples for inspection as quickly as possible in order to shorten the stages of plant quarantine.

Mrs. Vu Quynh Trang, representative of Vu Hong Hai Import-Export Company (Lang Son city) specializing in exporting fresh fruits through the area said: When purchasing fruit for export, the business has focused on checking food hygiene and safety, but there are some types of fruit that often generate organisms after the harvest process, which leads to shipments when brought to the border gate with strange creatures that the business does not know. Therefore, businesses often send quarantine samples in advance to the quarantine agency. If strange organisms are detected, businesses will promptly remedy them to ensure the export of the shipment.

It is known that recently, in order to create favorable conditions for import and export fruit products through fast customs clearance border gates, the plant quarantine agency has developed a plan to carry out a 30% probability inspection per shipment per business (if 1 business has 10 trucks of fruit and vegetables, only 3 trucks will be checked). However, now the plant quarantine agency at the border gates has tightened the quarantine process. Accordingly, all shipments of fresh fruits and vegetables through the area are sampled for physical inspection.

It can be seen that the plant quarantine force at the border gates of the province is focusing on well implementing the quarantine work, strictly managing, quickly inspecting and accurately concluding the situation of harmful organisms on the shipment of fresh fruit, take timely and thorough handling measures to ensure that the export shipments meet the requirements and regulations on plant quarantine of the other country. At the same time, the force will not let imported shipments that do not meet phytosanitary conditions to enter the country.