Friday,  09/20/2024

Supporting the application of science and technology to production: Increasing the value of the industry

From 2021 to now, all levels and sectors have actively advised the Provincial People’s Committee to effectively strengthen propaganda and implementation of programs and projects to support businesses, cooperatives and industrial production facilities in the province in science and technology application, gradually improving production and business efficiency, contributing to increasing the value of the industry.

Workers at Vietnam – Japan DK Electric Vehicle Company Limited assemble electric vehicles

According to statistics from the industry and trade sector, currently in the province, there are about 200 businesses and cooperatives operating in industrial production, focusing on exploitation, production and processing of construction materials; agricultural and forestry product processing; production and manufacturing of machines; mining… Before 2021, science and technology was applied to production, but it was still limited.

Therefore, in 2022, the Provincial People’s Committee coordinated with the Ministry of Science and Technology to organize the Workshop “Dissemination of connection policies to support businesses in finding, transferring, mastering, applying and innovating technology” with the aim of popularizing policies to support businesses in applying and innovating technology and seeking the need to cooperate in transferring, applying and innovating technology for the development of provincial key products. Additionally, the Department of Science and Technology was requested to coordinate with relevant units to organize training conferences on improving productivity and quality for businesses and cooperatives in the province. The Department of Industry and Trade organized 2 conferences on industrial promotion, introducing programs to support the application of modern technology, machinery and production lines to raise awareness of business and cooperative owners on the application of science and technology in production.

From 2021 to now, the industry and trade, science and technology, planning and investment… have chaired and coordinated to organize 10 activities of science and technology applications in industrial production. Through a survey, more than 80% of business and cooperative owners were interested in investment of the science and technology application and about 50% of businesses and cooperatives have gradually invested in upgrading production lines and transferring modern production technology to improve productivity and product quality.

Along with providing information, relevant sectors conducted surveys on the technology needs of businesses, cooperatives and production facilities in the area and advised the Provincial People’s Committee to implement projects and schemes to support them to apply science and technology to production. From 2022 up to now, the Provincial People’s Committee has approved 6 projects on applying technology solutions to improve productivity and quality to support 62 businesses and cooperatives operating in the industrial sector.

Typically, 3 businesses were supported to participate in the project “Supporting in building a pilot model for synchronously applying quality management systems, improvement tools of quality, productivity, technical standards and regulations in order to increase productivity and quality suitable to the conditions of the organization and business”. Ms. Bui Thi Bich Dao, Director of Vietnam – Japan DK Electric Vehicle Company Limited, said: “With the attention of the Provincial People’s Committee and related sectors, the company has been supported with training to raise general awareness and certification for 20 officers and employees on ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015, ISO 45001:2018 integrated management systems, quality productivity improvement tools (LEAN management tools) and standard certification for electric bicycle. Thanks to that, the company has nearly 30 vehicles with more than 80 product codes in various colors, 4 assembly lines, 12 machines and factory testing equipment, creating stable jobs for about 200 workers with income of over 9 million VND/person/month.”

Pork jerky with Clausena indica production facility in Binh Thuong village, Chieu Vu commune, Bac Son district applies modern machinery to production according to the support project from local industrial promotion capital in 2022

In particular, from 2021 up to now, the Department of Industry and Trade has supported technology transfer and application of machinery, scientific and technical advances in industrial production, processing and manufacturing for businesses and cooperatives from industrial promotion capital in 25 projects for 25 businesses and cooperatives with a total amount of over 4.7 billion VND. Typically, implementing the national industrial promotion project in 2021, the department supported Tan Thinh Phat LS Joint Stock Company (Huu Lung district) to successfully apply and put into operation a new technology line in the production of concrete blocks. Mr. Quan Trong Linh, Director of the Company said: “With financial support from the national industrial promotion capital, along with the company’s own capital of over 3 billion VND, we have invested in producing concrete masonry units with highly automated production line, large output, high rate of quality products after compression (97%), capacity of 15,000,000 blocks/year with many types and sizes guaranteed according to quality standards. The company’s products have met the needs of the market, thereby increasing production and business efficiency and creating jobs for 10 local workers with an average income of over 5 million VND/person/month.”

The solutions and programs implemented by consulting industries have contributed to supporting businesses, cooperatives and industrial production facilities to improve productivity and product quality, contributing to increasing the total value of the provincial industrial manufacturing industry every year. It is shown in the industrial production index in 2022 which increases by 7.13% compared to 2021; The rate of added value of the industrial sector in 2022 increases by 10.97% compared to 2021. The industrial production index in the province in the first 9 months of 2023 increases by 7.05% compared to the same period in 2022.

Mr. Dinh Ky Giang, Deputy Director of the Department of Industry and Trade, said: “In the future, the department will continue to coordinate with relevant sectors to advise the Provincial People’s Committee to increase investment in a number of industries with potential and strengths such as processing agricultural, forestry products, food, renewable energy, processing associated with import and export activities; to prioritize the development in the stages of applying high and economical technology to create high added value associated with smart and automated production processes. At the same time, research activities, application of scientific and technological achievements, advanced technology and equipment to production should be carried out to ensure quality and effective production activities.

Reality shows that, although there are many limitations in the industrial production sector of the province, with the attention and leadership of the Party Committee, the government, the participation of functional branches as well as businesses and cooperatives in implementing solutions to promote production, it is believed that Lang Son’s industry will gradually prosper, contributing to the socio-economic development of the province.