Friday,  09/20/2024

Inspecting the import and export of goods at Tan Thanh Border Gate and Huu Nghi International Border Gate

On December 19, the delegation of the Provincial People’s Committee led by Mr. Doan Thanh Son, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, inspected the import and export of goods at Tan Thanh Border Gate and Huu Nghi International Border Gate.

According to the report at the meeting, from the beginning of 2023 to now, relevant levels and sectors in the province continue to implement synchronous solutions to improve the efficiency of import and export of goods through border gates.

Thereby, the import and export of goods through Tan Thanh Border Gate and Huu Nghi International Border Gate and is favorable has achieved positive results.

The delegation inspects the import and export of goods at the Huu Nghi International Border Gate area

Regarding Huu Nghi International Border Gate, from the beginning of 2023 to now, the average flow of imported and exported goods through customs clearance has reached about 750-800 vehicles/day. Total import-export turnover of all types in the first 11 months of 2023 has reached 41,537 million USD, up 91.32% over the same period in 2022. The main export items are agricultural products, electronic equipment and components. Those imported are mainly new cars, machinery and equipment…

Leader of Tan Thanh Border Guard Station speaks at the inspection session

For Tan Thanh Border Gate, the average amount of imported and exported goods cleared is about 400 vehicles/day. Total import-export turnover of all types through Tan Thanh Border Gate in the first 11 months of 2023 has reached 3,047 million USD, an increase of 58.99% over the same period in 2022. The main export items are agricultural products. Those imported are mainly fruits, agricultural products and some consumer goods.

A representative of businesses operating in the Huu Nghi International Border Gate area speaks at the inspection session

Besides the achievement, the import and export of goods through the two border gates still faces some difficulties and obstacles including large number of vehicles at the border gate at peak time of fruit harvest while the infrastructure for parking has yet met the requirement, some businesses which have failed to be proactive in business activities and have provided insufficient information for customs clearance procedures according to regulations…

At the inspection, representatives of a number of departments, sectors and forces working in the two border gate areas and a number of businesses focused on discussing and evaluating the results achieved in the import and export of goods from early 2023 until now. At the same time, they stated the difficulties and problems and recommened solutions to further improve the efficiency of import and export of goods through the two border gates in the coming time.

Mr. Doan Thanh Son, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, speaks at the inspection session

Concluding the inspection, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee highly appreciated the efforts of relevant departments, sectors and forces performing tasks in the teo border gate areas. They have made an important contribution to outstanding results in import and export activities through the two border gates in recent times.

Regarding the tasks in the coming time, he asked relevant departments, sectors and functional forces in the border gate area to remain close and synchronous coordination in effectively carrying out customs control and clearance of goods, creating favorable conditions for organizations and individuals in import and export activities; to control, prevent and fight against smuggling and illegal transportation of goods; to strengthen security and order in border areas; to follow the situation for timely respond to suddenly increasing number of vehicles and people participating in import and export activities…

Relevant departments and sectors were required to continue to detect and remove difficulties, obstacles and resolve recommendations and suggestions from functional forces working at border gates as well as businesses to further improve the efficiency of import and export of goods in the area.

Previously, the delegation inspected the import and export of goods in the area of Tan Thanh Border Gate and Huu Nghi International Border Gate.