Friday,  09/20/2024

Synchronizing solutions to support innovative startups

During the start-up process, individuals and start-up groups need support and help from components in the innovative start-up ecosystem. Therefore, in recent times, the Department of Science and Technology has enhanced the capacity of the innovative start-up ecosystem to provide practical support for startups in the province.

Loc Binh district youth display startup products at the 2023 Startup Festival organized by Lang Son Provincial Youth Union

To support startups as well as promote the innovative start-up ecosystem movement in the province, on December 10, 2019, the Provincial People’s Council issued Resolution No. 13 regulating the content and level of spending to support the innovative start-up ecosystem in the province; Every year, the Provincial People’s Committee issues a plan to support the innovative start-up ecosystem with specific contents and tasks.

As the key unit in developing the innovative start-up ecosystem, in recent times the Department of Science and Technology has connected and mobilized the participation of a number of businesses in the province; Build a digital information page about innovative start-up  and a common working area; Organize training courses on innovative start-up … According to Mrs. Dang Thi Nguyet Anh, Specialist in charge of innovative start-up work, Division of Technology Management and Innovation, Department of Science and Technology: In 2023, we will focus on advising and improving the capacity of the innovative start-up  ecosystem by activities such as building the innovative start-up advisory network; connecting and mobilizing resources to support innovation initiatives from businesses inside and outside the province; directly advise, guide, and support in solving difficulties for each model… to provide practical support to individuals, start-up groups, and cooperatives in the province.

Accordingly, from the beginning of 2023, the Department of Science and Technology implemented to build a network of innovative start-up consultants from province to district and connect experts. The innovative start-up advisory network was built with members who are representatives of the Provincial Business Association, Start-up Investment Club, Department of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development, Women’s Union, Farmers’ Association… At the district level, innovative start-up advisors are full-time officers in specialized departments and divisions of the district… At the same time, the department coordinated to organize training in consulting and guidance skills for the startup advisory team to quickly apply it into practice and promote positive effectiveness in consulting and guiding startup individuals and groups.

In 2023, the Department of Science and Technology organized 7 training classes on innovative start-up for more than 400 people who are consultants, individuals, startup groups and people from all walks of life in the province; connected with experts to support 5 projects on e-commerce training programs; mobilized organizations and businesses inside and outside the province to support 5 projects on equipment, processing machines, communication, and product promotion with a total value of 290 million VND; consulted on intellectual property issues such as: trademark registration, label printing, packaging, completing registration procedures, certifying quality standards for products for 5 projects…


Along with that, in May 2023, the Department of Science and Technology coordinated with experts of National Techfest Agricultural Village  to survey 11 subjects that are business households and production cooperatives producing products in the province. Here, experts assessed the current state of production and business; Identified difficulties, the level of impact of the problem as well as find out the wishes of business households and cooperatives. Based on survey information, experts determined the content that needs support, from there, find resources and connect with businesses to support individuals and production units in solving difficulties and problems… The Department also coordinated with the Business Studies & Assistance Center (BSA) to organize training on product improvement for 15 individuals and start-up groups participating in the 2023 innovative start-up contest in Lang Son province to help individuals and startup groups continue to develop products and bring them to market.

Mrs. Lang Thi Tho, Ban Lech village, Bac Hung commune, Van Lang district said: I started my business in March 2023 with the product of instant sticky pork with clausena indica.  After participating in the 2023 innovative start-up contest, I was able to meet with representatives of a number of businesses and experts in the field of innovative start-up. Thanks to that, I had startup support experts point out the problems I needed to overcome, guide me on how to solve them, and develop the market for my product. Through the innovative start-up ecosystem, I was supported by Thu Minh Investment Consulting and Trade Promotion Co., Ltd. with packaging design and printing packages. This is very meaningful support to help me build my own brand for the product.

Individuals and start-up groups are supported by the  Institute of Agricultural Engineering & Post Harvest Technology to research product preservation and processing.

Not only Mrs. Lang Thi Tho was supported to successfully start a business with the sticky pork with clausena indica  product,  only from 2022 until now, there have been 9 startup projects that have been successfully supported and built product brands in the market, typically:  Project of Hanging Persimmon, Drying Persimmon (Toan Thuong Cooperative, Van Lang District); Chu Hanh Black Jelly Production Project (Chu Hanh Black Jelly,Van Lang district; Project on building a value chain of star anise and medicinal herbs under anise canopy from indigenous resources associated with livelihoods for ethnic minority women (Na Pai Village Cooperative, Binh Gia District); Smoked and dried pork cuisine project; Project of Producing shampoo and hair conditioner from natural herbs… Products from these projects, although new to the market, have been widely accepted by consumers and bring practical economic and social effects. In the coming time, the Department of Science and Technology will continue to implement many practical activities to enhance the innovative start-up ecosystem, providing practical support for individuals and start-up groups to realize innovative start-up ideas and projects.