Friday,  09/20/2024

11 communes meet the standards of new style rural areas

On January 23, the Appraisal Council to review and recommend recognition of communes meeting new style rural standards, advanced new style rural area, and model new style rural area of the province held a meeting to appraise and consider recognition of communes meeting standards in the second phase of 2023. Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Chairman of the Appraisal Council Luong Trong Quynh chaired the meeting.

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Luong Trong Quynh speaks at the meeting

Leader of the Provincial New Style Rural Area Construction Coordination Office speaks at the meeting

At the meeting, the leader of the Provincial New Style Rural Area Construction Coordination Office reported a summary of the appraisal results for 5 communes requesting recognition as meeting New Style Rural Area standards in 2023 (Nhan Ly commune, Chi Lang district; Long Dong commune, Bac Son district; Hong Phong commune, Binh Gia district; Lien Hoi commune, Van Quan district and Bao Lam commune, Cao Loc district); 4 communes proposed to be considered for recognition as meeting advanced New Style Rural Area standards (Vu Son commune, Bac Son district; Diem He commune, Van Quan district; Tan Van commune, Binh Gia district; Quang Lac commune, Lang Son city); 2 communes proposed to be considered for recognition as meeting model new style rural standards (Dong Y commune, Bac Son district; Hoang Dong commune, Lang Son city).

Leader of Van Quan District People’s Committee speaks at the meeting

According to the appraisal results, up to now, 9 communes proposed to be considered for recognition as meeting New Style Rural Area and advanced New Style Rural Area standards have basically completed 19/19 criteria; The two communes proposed to be considered for recognition as meeting basic model new style rural standards that meet the prescribed criteria. However, some communes still have criteria that need further improvement such as schools, cultural facilities, environment…

At the meeting, council members and leaders of People’s Committees of districts, city, and communes requesting recognition of New Style Rural Area standards, advanced New Style Rural Area, and model New Style Rural Area discussed and clarified a number of contents related to the issuance of certificates of land use rights for schools and cultural buildings; consolidate and improve the quality of traffic criteria…

Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Chairman of the Appraisal Council Luong Trong Quynh conducted the voting

After listening to the appraisal results report of the 11 communes as well as the opinions discussed at the meeting, the council voted. As a result, 100% of the appraisal council members voted to agree to recognize the 11 communes mentioned above as eligible for recognition as meeting new style rural area standards, advanced new style rural area, and model new style rural area in 2023.

Speaking at the meeting, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee praised and acknowledged the efforts of districts, cities and 11 communes in implementing the task of building new style rural area, advanced new style rural area, and model new style rural area in 2023. Through that makes an important contribution to the overall results of building new rural areas in the province.

Regarding the tasks in the coming time, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested relevant departments, sectors, and People’s Committees of districts and city to continue supporting communes to complete the criteria; continue to propagate, advocate, and mobilize people’s cooperation and contributions to maintain, consolidate, and gradually improve the quality of the criteria for new rural areas, advanced new rural areas, and model new rural areas.

Accumulated up to now, in the province there are 98 communes recognized to meet new style rural area standards, including 24 advanced new style rural communes and 4 model new style rural communes.