Saturday,  09/21/2024

Lang Son enhances market control, stabilisation

(LSO) – Market management forces of the northern border province of Lang Son have stepped up inspection and strictly handled cases of goods speculation and unreasonable price gouging.

Amidst fears about the worsening acute respiratory disease caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19), many local residents have bought a lot of supplies to fill their pantries. Given this, some business establishments in the province have stockpiled and hiked prices of products to gouge buyers.

Dinh Van Hung, head of the market management team No. 1 that is in charge of Lang Son city’s market, said his team has increased both regular and unscheduled inspections at business facilities, markets, commercial centres and supermarkets in the city.

The market management team No. 1 is inspecting a pharmacy in Lang Son city

The inspections have focused on essential goods such as canned and dried food, especially noodles.

On March 7-8, they examined 30 business facilities, of which eight were fined for gouging prices and selling expired products, according to Hung.

Other market management teams in Lang Son province have also enhanced their inspection and supervision.

The provincial Market Surveillance Department unveiled that between March 1-8, the market management teams checked the operation of more than 100 business facilities, and handled violations of 27 establishments for price gouging.

Dang Van Ngoc, acting head of the department, said the inspections are in line with instructions of the Ministry of Industry and Trade and the provincial People’s Committee, on stabilising prices of supplies, focusing on medical equipment and food.

Apart from punishments, the market management teams have also encouraged business facilities to commit to not stockpiling and unreasonably increasing prices, he said, adding that more than 500 supermarkets, producers and household businesses have signed for the commitments since the beginning of March.

By March 7, market management forces in Lang Son have been mobilised and various measures have been employed to control the market.

Ngoc said over the past days, prices of some processed food like noodles and canned meat rose about 3-5 percent; and pork, up 6-8 percent as compared with the previous week.

The price hikes were due to increasing purchases amidst COVID-19 fears, he explained, calling on people to keep calm as agencies have taken drastic, comprehensive measures to fight the epidemic.

Even when there are COVID-19 infection cases in the province, there are still enough supplies, including food, for the public, he affirmed, warning that the panic buying will cause market disorder.