Saturday,  09/21/2024

The Provincial People’s Committee held regular meeting in July 2020

(LSO) – On July 29, 2020, Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee chaired the regular meeting of the Provincial People’s Committee in July 2020.

Attending the meeting was Mrs. Doan Thi Hau, Standing Vice Chairwoman of Provincial People’s Council.

At the meeting, participants listened and discussed 8 important issues.

In particular, participants spent most of their time discussing the draft socio-economic situation report in July and the first 7 months of 2020.

Accordingly, in July, the province’s socio-economic situation continued to show signs of prosperity. Regarding agriculture – forestry, the districts focused on harvesting 7,000 hectares of spring rice and 5,800 hectares of corn; cultivating 6,805 hectares of early-season rice, equaling 80% over the same period.

Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee concluded at the regular meeting in July

Total import-export turnover across the area in July was estimated at $250 million, up $15 million compared to June; industrial production continued to recover, develop and increased by 0.93% compared to June.

Trade and service activities are stable, total retail sales of goods and service turnover in July were estimated at 1,780 billion VND, up 85 billion VND compared to June.

In the field of culture and society, there have been many positive changes, the situation of security, social order and safety has been guaranteed, and national sovereignty over the border has been upheld.

Discussing the draft report on the implementation of socio-economic development in July and the first 7 months of the year, the participants focused on clarifying a number of contents such as leadership and direction of Covid-19 prevention and control, African swine fever; support progress for those affected by Covid-19 epidemic; site clearance of key projects and implementation progress of the new rural building program; state budget; disbursement of capital basic construction investment etc.

At the same time, the participants proposed a number of major solutions to the implementation of socio-economic targets in August and the last months of the year.

Concluding this content, Mr. Chairman appreciated the discussed ideas to finalize the report.

Regarding the August tasks and the remaining months of 2020, he requested the drafting agency to specify the key tasks and solutions to be implemented.

Accordingly, the key task in the near future is to continue to strengthen leadership, direction of the Covid-19 epidemic prevention and control in the whole province, especially tightening control of illegal entry and exit activities across the border. Regarding economic development, it is necessary to supplement solutions to accelerate the implementation of the new rural building program; disbursing public investment capital and synchronously implementing solutions on state budget collection, increasing tax debt collection, especially land and mineral taxes.

Another important content discussed in the meeting was the draft Resolution of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on the creation and development of commodity production areas associated with the chain of production, product consumption and intellectual property development, branding in agriculture sector in the period of 2020-2030.

Regarding this content, the comments focused on clarifying the name of the resolution, the indicators shown in the draft resolution, solutions to mobilize resources to realize the planned resolution objectives.

Concluding this content, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development – the advisory body to draft out an overview of the comments, goals and redefine the specific area, scale of each area which is the strength in agricultural production of each district and region.

Regarding the task of resolution, the resolution must highlight the leadership of the party committee and supplement scientific and technological solutions, mobilize resources to implement the resolution for the whole period of 2020-2030. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development receives suggestions to complete the project before August 5, 2020 for the Provincial People’s Committee to submit to the Provincial People’s Council for verification before submitting to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee for consideration and decision.

Within the framework of the meeting, the Provincial People’s Committee discussed and provided opinions for drafting agencies to receive, edit and complete documents for the draft of the 10-year summary report on implementation of Resolution No. 20-NQ/TU of August 12, 2011 of the Provincial Party Executive Committee on building new rural area in Lang Son province, period 2011-2020; The draft of the Final Report on the implementation of Conclusion No. 80-KL/TU dated October 17, 2016 of the Provincial Party Executive Committee on continuing implementing Resolution No. 34-NQ/TU, dated 22 November, 2011 on build a comprehensive strong border area, period 2016-2020; the draft of the Final Report on implementation of Resolution No. 21-NQ/TU dated July 19, 2016 of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on continuing strengthening and improving the health network, improving the capacity and quality of health check and medical treatment system at all levels, the period 2016 – 2020.

Regarding the deadline, the drafting agencies need to focus on editing and finalizing the report and submit it to the Provincial People’s Committee before August 5, 2020.

The meeting also discussed and commented on some other important issues.