Friday,  09/20/2024

VFF Central Committee inspects consultations on democracy, law in Lang Son

(LSO) – A working group from the Vietnam Fatherland Front (VFF) Central Committee’s Consultation Council for Democracy and Law led by Prof. Dr. Tran Ngoc Duong, head of the council, inspected the democracy and law-related affairs in Lang Son and exchanged experience in operation of the council with the provincial VFF Committee’s Consultation Council for Democracy and Law on August 27.

Over the years, the VFF Committees at all levels in the province have actively coordinated with the local government and member organisations as well as authorised agencies in communicating and encouraging the community to implement policies of the Party and laws of the State.

In the first six months of 2019, the VFF Committees at all levels in the province organised nearly 3,200 events to popularize legal documents with the attendance of more than 198,000 people.

At the same time, many conferences were held to gather ideas on draft laws, including the Law on Public Investment, Law on Natural Disaster Prevention and Control, Law on Dyke, and Law on Architecture.

Prof. Dr. Tran Ngoc Duong, Chairman of the VFF Central Committee’s Consultation Council for Democracy and Law addresses the inspection session.

The committees chaired more than 40 social supervision and critics events, including those to collect feedbacks on two draft decisions of the provincial People’s Committee.

At the same time, the committees also coordinated with competent agencies to implement regulations on grassroots democracy, hold dialogues between residents and leaders of Party committees, administrations and enterprises, and gather opinions on public satisfaction on the new-style rural area building programme’s performance.

At the working session, delegates discussed the achievements as well as difficulties and shortcomings in democratic and legal work of VFF committees at different levels in Lang Son. They also shared experience and effective methods in the work.

Concluding the session, Prof. Dr. Duong recognised and lauded the attainments that VFF committees at all levels in Lang Son have made in democratic and legal consultation work over the past time.

He reminded the provincial VFF Committee to add more members to the consultation councils, while paying greater attention to social supervision and critics which he described as a mechanism to control the State power, helping the Party and State issue suitable policies meeting the people’s aspiration. At the same time, meetings with voters should be made more practical, he asked.