Friday,  09/20/2024

Summary of the Public Administration Reform (PAR) Master Program 2011 – 2020

(LSO) – On the morning of October 29, 2020, Lang Son Provincial People’s Committee held a conference to summarize Lang Son province’s PAR Master Program in the 2011-2020 period, proposing directions and tasks in the 2021 – 2030 period.

Attending the conference were Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial PAR Steering Committee; Mr. Nguyen Long Hai, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee, Standing Deputy Head of the Provincial PAR Steering Committee; leaders of provincial departments, committees, agencies and representatives of PAR Department, Ministry of Home Affairs.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the conference

In the 2011 – 2020 period, PAR work in the province has always been paid attention and directed closely and effectively. Accordingly, the administrative procedure reform has been gradually improved, the percentage of administrative procedures timely and early returned to individuals and organizations annually reaches over 98%; 100% of administrative procedures is publicly listed; Level 4 online public services reaches the rate of 33% (593/1,790 administrative procedures), being one of the seven provinces achieving the earliest target in the country in terms of the number of administrative procedures performed by online public services at levels 3 and 4.

The arrangement and consolidation of the organizational structure of the state administrative apparatus in the province has also been synchronously implemented, the whole province has reduced 103 units, professional divisions, public non-business units; the rate of downsizing staffing reaches 13.13% (decreasing 315 people) in administrative agencies and 7.72% (decreasing 1,876 people) in non-business units.

The application of information technology has been promoted, technical infrastructure of information technology has been invested in upgrading and smoothly connected from the province to the district and commune levels. Up to now, 100% of provincial and district cadres, civil servants and public employees have been proficient at using computers and work management software. The quality management system according to the national standard TCVN ISO 9001: 2015 has been implemented in 240 units of state administrative agencies at the provincial and district levels.

In addition to the results achieved, the PAR work in the 2011-2020 period still has some shortcomings and limitations such as heads of some agencies and units have not really closely, drastically leaded, directed and deployed tasks; a number of mechanisms and policies are still overlapping, causing difficulties in implementation; administrative procedures in a number of fields are still cumbersome and complicated, some contents of reforming administrative procedures have not been effective yet, not meeting requirements and so on.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee awarded certificates of merit to collectives with outstanding achievements in PAR work in the 2011 – 2020 period.


At the conference, representatives of some departments, agencies, People’s Committees at all levels and so forth presented contents related to PAR work such as institutional reform; administrative procedure reform; administrative modernization; information technology application to State management; implementing the “one-stop”, “interconnected one-door” mechanism in handling administrative procedures and so on.

Speaking at the conference, the Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial PAR Steering Committee requested that in the coming period, all levels and sectors in the province need to continue to check and review the province’s legal documents, first of all, mechanisms and policies to support businesses to amend and supplement regulations which are overlapping, no longer appropriate; enhancing training, forstering and improving qualifications of cadres, officials, civil servants and public employees, arranging, using, training people of right majors, professional expertise, promptly supplementing basic knowledge about PAR; Heads of local party committees, agencies and units need to strengthen leadership and direction on PAR work, considering this as a key, urgent and long-term task, and at the same time appointing qualified  and responsible staff to perform the task.

On this occasion, 28 collectives and 16 individuals received certificates of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for their outstanding achievements in PAR implementation in the province in the 2011-2020 period.