Friday,  09/20/2024

Enjoying the “national day” without forgetting epidemic prevention and control

– In just a few days, voters across the province will participate in the election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 term. When the epidemic situation is becoming complicated, the health sector has proactively advised the Provincial Election Committee and coordinated with the People’s Committees of Districts and the City to seriously and proactively implement epidemic prevention and control measures to ensure that the “national day” can take place safely.

To ensure the Covid-19 prevention and control for election work, on May 12, 2021, the Provincial People’s Committee issued Document No. 50/UBBC-THNC on guiding the preparation of the list of voters and the voting implementation plan for cases under medical quarantine to prevent and control the Covid-19 epidemic and in localities where the epidemic has arisen in the province.

The Head of Block 9’s Election Group, Vinh Trai ward, Lang Son city prepared facial masks and hand sanitizer for the election day

On that basis, on May 14, 2021, Department of Health issued Guidelines on health assurance and Covid-19 prevention and control to serve the election of deputies to the 15th National Assembly and People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 term in Lang Son province. In which, two specific scenarios are developed according to the developments level of the epidemic along with plans and response measures. Scenario 1 is for an area where there is no case of Covid-19 (electing at fixed locations). Scenario 2 is for an area where there is a case of Covid-19 with the risk of community spread or an outbreak of Covid-19 that spreads on a large scale before and during the election (electing in fixed locations and other specific locations).

Mr. Ly Kim Soi, Deputy Director of Department of Health said that with the actual situation, the Department has deployed according to Scenario 2, focusing on drastic and synchronous implementation of solutions to control risk factors, not letting the disease spread. At the same time, continuing to closely coordinate with Election Committees and People’s Committees at all levels to arrange polling stations in accordance with the epidemic situation, ensuring that 100% of polling stations and election activities will fully implement recommendations of Ministry of Health on Covid-19 prevention and control, serving the safety of election work.

Accordingly, People’s Committees of Districts and Communes have actively developed plans and scenarios to organize the election to ensure disease prevention and control. Minh Hoa commune, Huu Lung district has implemented social distancing from 0:00 on May 17, 2021. Mr. Hoang Van Minh, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Committee, Chairman of the Election Commitee of Minh Hoa Commune said that as of 12 o’clock on May 19, 2021, through the review, the whole commune had nine F0 cases, 207 F1 cases, 868 F2 cases, of which 144 F1 cases and 654 F2 cases are voters. In order to ensure the highest safety for the election, six out of six election groups in the area have prepared 10 extra ballot boxes to bring to houses, quarantine areas, guide the quarantined to take epidemic prevention measures when voting. In particular, the samples for Covid-19 testing have been taken from nearly 70 people in the election group.

Together with Huu Lung district, Lang Son city and a number of districts having F0 cases have been taking election attendants’ samples for testing. For example, Trang Dinh district has taken 1,249 people’s samples for testing in 94 units, 109 polling stations; Lang Son city has taken 993 people’s samples for testing in 83 election groups (expected to be completed before May 22, 2021).

Doctor Be Van Khanh, Director of Trang Dinh District Health Center said that on the morning of May 20, 2021, the center completed taking 1,249 election group members’ samples for testing in the area. At the same time, arranging appropriate human resources, ensuring that 109 out of 109 polling stations will have at least one health worker per a polling station to propagate and guide epidemic prevention and control. On May 22, 2021, all 109 polling stations will be sprayed to disinfect the environment, ensuring that the national day will take place safely.

The official of the Provincial Center for Disease Control took samples to test Covid-19 for members of the election group in Tan Lai village, Huu Lien commune, Huu Lung district

Along with that, Election Committees at all levels have actively implemented epidemic prevention and control measures at polling stations such as establishing  health teams, assigning staff to measure body temperature and guide voters to implement epidemic prevention and control measures according to regulations; prepare facial masks, hand sanitizer, epidemic prevention and control manuals, drinking water, hygienic cups, disinfect polling stations one day before the election day and so on. At the same time, strengthening propaganda through various forms to raise people’s awareness of disease prevention and control during the election process.

Mr. Luong Quoc Phi, Head of Block 9’s Election Group, Vinh Trai ward, Lang Son city said that with a large number of voters (more than 1,700 voters), the election group will divide time frames for voters in 10 neighborhood groups to vote in turn. In addition, they have prepared facial masks, hand sanitizer, drinking water and assigned staff to guide voters to implement epidemic prevention and control regulations such as keeping distance, wearing facial masks, disinfecting hands before and after voting.

With the initiative of the People’s Committees of all levels and the people’s self-consciousness in epidemic prevention and control, it is believed that the election day of the 15th National Assembly deputies and deputies of People’s Councils at all levels for the 2021-2026 term will really become a great national day. Thereby ensuring safety, Covid-19 prevention and control and creating the best conditions for voters to participate in the election and select outstanding deputies who will represent the People’s will and aspirations.