Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son leaders attend new school year ceremonies

(LSO) – Nearly 200,000 students and over 20,500 officials and teachers in the northern province of Lang Son celebrated the start of the new school year 2019-2020 on September 5.

Leaders from the provincial Party Committee, People’s Council and People’s Committee attended new academic year ceremonies in city and districts.

* Lam Thi Phuong Thanh, member of the Party Central Committee, Secretary of the provincial Party Committee attended the new school year ceremony at Chu Van An Senior High School for Gifted Students in Lang Son city.

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Lam Thi Phuong Thanh beats drum to kick off the new school year

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Lam Thi Phuong Thanh speaks at the new school year ceremony

In the 2019-2020 academic year, the school has 27 classes with over 900 students and 92 teachers, including 24 classes for gifted students. It strives to have 50-55 percent of students with excellent academic results and 100 percent of students pass the graduation exams. The school also aim to have at least 97 percent of student pass the university entrance exam. The school will make efforts to win the emulation flag of the provincial People’s Committee and take the lead among the province’s senior high schools.

Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Lam Thi Phuong Thanh talks to teachers and students at Chu Van An Senior High School for Gifted Students.

Addressing the ceremony, Thanh encouraged the school staff to continue promoting its leading role in the quality of teaching and learning as well as gain more achievements in emulation campaigns launched by the educational sector.

She asked the school to continue reforming teaching and learning methods by applying information technology, increasing interactions between teachers and students, and improving coordination between school, families, agencies and social organisations to create a healthy and comprehensive education environment.

* Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the provincial People’s Council attended the new school year ceremony at Viet Bac Senior High School in Lang Son city.

Standing Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Hoang Van Nghiem beats drum to open the new school year

Standing Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee Hoang Van Nghiem presents gifts to teachers and students on the occasion of the new school year

Speaking at the ceremony, Nghiem said the nearly 1,300 students at Viet Bac Senior High School and thousands of students across the province will be an important human resource for the province’s development and prosperity. He encouraged the students to study hard, read books frequently, and improve their language and social skills as well as physical training.

* Pham Ngoc Thuong, Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, attended the new school year ceremony at the kindergarten of Mong An commune, Binh Gia district.

At the ceremony, Thuong presented a certificate recognising the school as meeting national standards at level 1.

Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Pham Ngoc Thuong beats drum to start new school year

Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Pham Ngoc Thuong grants certificate recogning the level-1 national standard for the kindergarten of Mong An commune, Binh Gia district.

The official also recognised efforts of the school’s teaching staff over the past 10 years, asking them to continue fulfilling the tasks of nuturing and taking care of children.

The same day, leaders from the provincial People’s Council, People’s Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee, and National Assembly delegation as well as senior officials from local departments and sectors attended new school year ceremonies at other schools across the province.

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