Friday,  09/20/2024

Associating digital transformation with administrative reform to improve individual and organizational satisfaction

Delegates attending at the provincial connection point

On the afternoon of June 8, the Provincial People’s Committee held a 3-level online conference (province, district, commune) to analyze the results of the public administration reform (PAR) INDEX and the satisfaction index of public administration services (SIPAS) of Lang Son province in 2021. Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee chaired the conference.

According to a report by the Department of Home Affairs, in 2021, the province’s PAR INDEX and SIPAS indexes have been improved in both scores and rankings. To achieve this result is due to the drastic direction of the leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee, the efforts, determination, participation of all levels and sectors and the consensus and support of the people and organizations.

Specifically, in 2021, the PAR INDEX has been appraised and evaluated by the Ministry of Home Affairs in collaboration with ministries, sectors and central authorities in 8 fields with 43 indicators and 102 component criteria. As a result, the province reached 87.11%, ranked 23/63 provinces and cities, up 3.31% and up 13 ranks compared to 2020. This is the highest result the province has achieved since the Ministry of Home Affairs determined the PAR INDEX up to now. In which, there are 5/8 criteria to increase points such as: administrative procedure reform criteria; Criteria for the impact of PAR on the people, organizations and socio-economic of the province…

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee concluded the conference

The SIPAS index is evaluated based on the results of a sociological survey conducted by the Ministry of Home Affairs in collaboration with the Vietnam Post Corporation. In Lang Son province, the Department of Home Affairs has made a list of individuals and organizations performing administrative procedures at the Provincial Public Administration Service Center and the “one-stop” division of 4 districts: Bac Son, Chi Lang, and Loc Binh, Dinh Lap with a total of 3,366 people and 400 votes. Accordingly, the result reached 87.07%, ranking 31/63 provinces and cities, up 3.1% and up 8 places compared to 2020. Of the 5 sub-indices of SIPAS 2021, 3/5 of the sub-indices decreased in both scores and ratings; there is 1 component index that increases both in rank and in score.

At the conference, the delegates proposed solutions to improve the quality of these two indicators. In which, the solutions focused on issues such as administrative modernization, promotion of online public service provision at levels 3 and 4; implement e-government and digital government; control and reform administrative procedures, implement the inter-connected “one-stop” and “one-stop-shop” mechanism…

Speaking at the conference, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested, heads of agencies and units need to strengthen leadership and direction, improve the role of leaders, consider administrative reform as a central and regular task of their units, continue to take new and appropriate breakthrough and appropriate measures and solutions. At the same time, every year, taking the results of administrative reform work is one of the important criteria to consider, evaluate and rank the leaders, classify and complete the tasks, and associate with emulation and commendation for agencies and units. In addition, departments, sectors and district-level People’s Committees urgently review, analyze and evaluate each component index of the unit and take measures and solutions to overcome shortcomings and limitations.

The Chairman emphasized that “Immediately after the conference, the Department of Home Affairs should advise the Provincial People’s Committee and the Provincial PAR Steering Committee to strengthen inspection, urge and monitor the implementation of administrative reform at agencies and units; ; direct the contingent of civil servants and public employees to strictly comply with regulations on civil service culture; promote administrative procedure reform; accelerate the construction of digital government, strengthen the application of information technology in the administrative reform; associate digital transformation with administrative reform to improve the satisfaction of individuals and organizations…

He also suggested the relevant agencies and units to strengthen information, propagate the results of the administrative reform, the new policies of the province, explain the purpose and meaning of questionnaires and surveys to obtain substantive and objective evaluation results… so that people can understand and evaluate more substantively and objectively.