Friday,  09/20/2024

The August Revolution in the hearts of the people of Lang Son

The successful August Revolution of 1945 was the first great victory of our people since the leadership of the Party, opening a new turning point in the history of the Vietnamese nation. That great victory is always deeply rooted in the hearts of every person in Xu Lang, that traditional flame is the driving force for today’s generation to strive, practice, and build their homeland and country.

In the days of July 2022, we were accompanied by veterans, wounded and sick soldiers of the province to return to revolutionary “red addresses”. During the journey, veterans, wounded and sick soldiers together review the heroic past of the Vietnamese revolution from the August Revolution to the day of national reunification.

Hero of the People’s Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Duong Cong Suu, former Battalion commander of the 28th Special Forces Battalion; Former Deputy Commander of the 1st Region Military met and talked with young soldiers and students in the province

 Mr. Be Tu Huan, sick soldier, 82 years old in Binh Xa commune, Dinh Lap district shared: On the successful day of the August Revolution, I was only 5 years old. Children can’t remember much in their memory, but later listening to the old people recounting those years of fierce fighting, they can see how high the revolutionary movement was at that time. Under the leadership of the Party and President Ho Chi Minh, the people of the country simultaneously rose up, conducted a general uprising, and seized power. From August 14 to 18, the general uprising broke out, gaining victories in the countryside, the Northern Delta, most of the Central region, a part of the South, and on August 19, 1945, the uprising won the government in Hanoi. In Lang Son that day, the revolutionary movement was also highly promoted and widespread, people everywhere stood up to seize power.

Through the narration of the Mr. Be Tu Huan, we went back through history to better understand the revolutionary movement as well as the August revolutionary spirit in Lang Son that day. Together with the people of the whole country, on August 19, 1945, starting from Dong Mo (On Chau), under the direction of the provincial Viet Minh commission and reinforced by the main armed forces of the province, the revolutionary masses revolted, attacked the Japanese army, mastered the province, On Chau was completely liberated. Also, on August 19, the armed forces and revolutionary masses in Huu Lung also rebelled to own Met township (Huu Lung district). Spreading the fighting spirit, from August 21 to 28, 1945, our army and people in turn completely liberated Trang Dinh; Thoat Lang; Cao Loc; Loc Binh; Lang Son town…

Therefore, within 15 days of the end of August 1945, the general uprising was completely won, the government in Lang Son and in the whole country were returned to the people. Right after that, on September 2, 1945, at Ba Dinh Square (Hanoi), President Ho Chi Minh on behalf of the Provisional Government read the Declaration of Independence, giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. In October 1945, under the direct direction of the Provincial Party Committee, a large meeting with the participation of thousands of people was held in Kham Nam village, Cho Bai (Bang Mac province). At that meeting, the provisional People’s Committee of Lang Son province announced the establishment. This is an important event, recognizing the complete victory of the August Revolution in 1945 in Lang Son.

Hero of the People’s Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Duong Cong Suu (former battalion commander of the 28th Special Forces Battalion; former Deputy Commander of the 1st Military Region) said: Following the revolutionary tradition of the family and homeland and with the sense of protecting the independence of the nation, the result of the August Revolution in 1945, in 1967, when she was 17 years old, I and many young people of Lang Son joined the army, participated in the revolution. After more than 40 years of serving in the army, I and many teammates have completed the mission. Returning to my everyday life, I still regularly participate in programs organized by veterans’ associations and youth unions such as telling stories, talking to young soldiers, students, children, thereby contributing to traditional education, arousing the love of homeland and country and national pride in the young generation.

As an organization of solidarity and gathering of young generations in the whole province, over the past time, Lang Son Provincial Youth Union has directed unions at all levels to effectively implement revolutionary traditional education among cadres, union members and youth. Mrs. Dinh Thi Linh Chi, Deputy Head of the Department in charge of Propaganda Department of the Provincial Youth Union said: “Every year, on the occasion of major national holidays and anniversaries such as the establishment of the Party on February 3, the August Revolution, the National Day of September 2, youth unions at all levels of the province have promoted traditional revolutionary educational activities for union members, youth and children in the whole province. The activities are organized in many diverse and flexible forms such as: through branch activities, themed activities, extracurricular activities, theatrical activities, integrated in cultural and artistic exchange activities, research contests, exchanges and talks with the young generation…. Only from the beginning of 2022 to August 15, 2022, all levels of unions of the province have organized nearly 600 meetings associated with traditional activities, education, attracted nearly 20,000 turns of union members, youth and people to participate.

77 years since the August Revolution succeeded and our country gained independence until now, in the common flow of the whole nation, the Party Committee, government, army and people of Lang Son province have always memorized the heroic historical memories of the nation. For today, the Party Committee, government and people of Lang Son province continue to inherit and promote that revolutionary historical tradition, unite to build Lang Son more and more innovative, rich and beautiful.