Friday,  09/20/2024

Party Committee of Provincial Agencies’s Bloc: Organizing conferences to perform cadre work and summarizing and awarding multiple-choice contests on the Internet

On the morning of September 26, the Party Committee of Provincial Agencies’s Bloc held a conference to perform cadre work and summarize and award prizes to the Internet multiple-choice contest “Learning about Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s thought and directives and resolutions of the Party“.

Mr. Secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies’s Bloc spoke at the conference on implementation of cadre work

 Attending the conference were representatives of leaders of Party building committees; leaders of the Party Committees of the provincial agencies; members of the Executive Committee of the Party Committee of the bloc; secretaries of party cells, grassroots party committees; Collectives and individuals who are rewarded at the Internet-based multiple-choice contest.

For conferences on staff performance, according to Regulation No. 1210-QD/TU dated April 13, 2018 of the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee on the promulgation of Regulations on decentralization of cadre management and appointment and introduction of cadres, the Standing Board, the Executive Board of the Party Committee of the provincial agencies bloc have fully followed the prescribed steps. The conference discussed and agreed on the structure, standards, conditions, introduction process and conducted the introduction of personnel to consolidate and supplement members of the 14th  The Executive Board of the Party Committee of Provincial Agencies Bloc for the 2020 – 2025 term.

With the spirit of working transparency, democracy, solidarity and responsibility, the conference carried out the process of consolidating 2 members of the 14th Executive Board of the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Bloc for the 2020-2025 term. The consolidation and addition of members of the 14th Executive Committee of the Party Committee of the Bloc of Provincial Agencies, for the 2020-2025 term, is to ensure sufficient quantity, reasonable structure, and ensure comprehensive leadership in the implementation of tasks of the Party Committees of the provincial agencies in the coming time.

For the summary of the Internet multiple-choice contest “Learning about Marxism-Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s thought and the Party’s directives and resolutions”, This is the first time that the Party Committee of the Provincial Agencies Bloc organizes a research contest in the form of an online quiz.


Participants in the contest are officials, party members, civil servants, public employees, and employees who are working at agencies and units, businesses affiliated with party organizations (except for members of the Organizing Committee, the organization of the exam, the evaluation team, the secretariat – technical team of the contest).

Leader of the Party Committee of Provincial Agencies’s Bloc  presented certificates of merit to the collectives for their achievements in implementing the multiple choice contest on the Internet.

 The content of the exam explores the main contents of Marxism-Leninism; basic principles of Marxist-Leninist doctrine, Ho Chi Minh’s thought on the Party and Party building; resolutions of party congresses at all levels for the 2020-2025 term; resolutions, directives, regulations and guidelines in the field of Party building organization, inspection, supervision and discipline of the Party…

Results after 5 weeks of the contest, the entire Party committee has 6,690 officials, party members, civil servants, public employees, workers… registered to participate in the contest with nearly 39,000 turns of participant. The contest not only created an exciting emulation movement in the entire Party Committee of the bloc, but also affirmed the scientific and revolutionary nature of Marxism-Leninism and its great value, practical significance of Ho Chi Minh’s thought; contribute to renewing the propaganda of directives and resolutions of party congresses at all levels for the 2020-2025 term to a large number of party members and the people.

Leaders of the Party Committees of the Provincial Agencies Bloc awarded the first prize to the winners in the multiple choice contest on the Internet

At the end of the contest, the Organizing Committee issued a decision to award 55 prizes to individuals; At the same time, 5 collectives received certificates of merit for their achievements in implementing the contest.