Friday,  09/20/2024

Implementing Resolution No. 19: Streamlining the apparatus, improving operational efficiency

On October 25, 2017, the 12th Party Central Committee issued Resolution No.19 on continuing to renovate the organization and management system, improving the quality and performance of public non-business units. Following closely the directive documents of superiors, party committees, authorities at all levels in the province have seriously implemented, thereby achieving certain results, contributing to streamlining the apparatus and improving the operational efficiency of the Public non-business units.

Implementing Resolution No.19, the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee issued Plan No. 46-KH/TU on November 22, 2017 to organize learning, mastering and propagating; Action Program No. 77-CTr/TU, dated January 26, 2018 on the implementation of Resolution No. 19… Accordingly, 100% of grassroots party organizations, agencies and units from the province to the grassroots held conferences to thoroughly grasp and implement the information of the Resolution to all cadres and party members.

Officers of the Center for Culture, Sports and Communication of Huu Lung district carried out the propaganda bulletin as planned

Along with that, in order to effectively implement the set goals, the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee directed the units to actively coordinate in building the consolidation project; do not cut mechanically but base on actual situation to cut down staff appropriately, with appropriate roadmap and schedule.

For example, the establishment of the Provincial Construction Investment Project Management Board. In order to implement the Resolution, the Provincial Technical Infrastructure Construction Investment Management Board and the Provincial Civil Engineering Construction Investment Management Board coordinated with the Department of Home Affairs to develop a project to merge the two boards, then organize discussions, collect comments and submit to the Provincial People’s Committee. By March 2018, the Provincial Construction Investment Management Board was established on the basis of merging the above two boards.

Mr. Lang Van Hai, Deputy Chief of the Office of the Provincial Construction Investment Project Management Board said: After the merger, the board assigned personnel and work to the departments according to their expertise, ensuring the promotion of the capacity and forte of officials and employees. In the process of implementing the work, the divisions have a smooth and effective coordination and support. Along with that, the individual’s sense of responsibility and sense of work has been significantly improved, thereby contributing to the good performance of the assigned tasks.

In addition to the Provincial Construction Investment Project Management Board, other units have coordinated with relevant agencies to make arrangements such as changing the vocational training function of the Provincial Center for Vocational Training and Support for Farmers (belong to the Provincial Farmers’ Union) and the Women’s Vocational Training Center (belong to the Provincial Women’s Union) to Vocational College; merging the Management Board of traffic construction investment projects and the Management Board of road maintenance into the Management Board of construction and maintenance of traffic infrastructure under the Department of Transport; establishing the Provincial Center for Disease Control on the basis of merging 6 units of the preventive and specialized divisions at the provincial level with the same functions, tasks and integrated activities…

In order to effectively implement the contents of Resolution No.19, the Party committees, agencies and units have reviewed and evaluated the operation situation of the units. Since then, there has been a plan to rearrange and reorganize the units to ensure the goals, improve quality and operational efficiency in the spirit of Resolution No. 19-NQ/TW had set forth. Specifically, as soon as there are directing documents from superiors, committees and authorities, the government promptly issued implementation documents, concretized into key tasks, assigned clear tasks to relevant units to perform.

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Mr. Hoang Anh Dung, Deputy Secretary of Trang Dinh District Party Committee said: The Standing Board of the District Party Committee has directed grassroots party organizations, agencies and units to promote propaganda of the contents and orientations of the Resolution to all cadres, party members and the people. For the units implementing the merger policy, the Party committees and authorities shall propagate the purpose, meaning and requirements of the merger in order to create unity in the awareness and actions of the entire staff.

In Van Lang district, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Minh Hai, Head of the Organization Committee of the District Party Committee, Head of the Home Affairs Division of Van Lang District, said: The Standing Board of the District Party Committee has directed the development of a plan on reviewing, arranging and adjusting the school network planning; building a project to streamline staffing, rearrange the organization’s apparatus, district personnel…After more than 5 years of implementing Resolution No.19-NQ/TW, in the district, 8 schools have been merged into 4 inter-level schools, a number of administrative staffs have been merged…Through monitoring, it was found that the units after the merger went into stable and effective operation.

After 5 years of implementing Resolution No.19-NQ/TW, now, the number of quality staff in the whole province has decreased by 104 units, a reduction rate of 11.6% (beyond the set target). Specifically, the public non-business units under the Provincial People’s Committee decreased by 1 unit; public non-business units under provincial agencies reduced by 20 units; public non-business units belonging to other administrative organizations under the Provincial People’s Committee reduced by 2 units; for the People’s Committees of districts and city, it decreased by 81 units.

Currently, the units have been operating stably, organizing the apparatus to ensure lean, effective and efficient operation in the spirit of Resolution No. 19-NQ/TW; Every year, the units are evaluated for successfully completing the assigned tasks. At the same time, the awareness of the Party committees, authorities, cadres, party members and employees about the position and importance of the arrangement of public non-business units has been gradually raised, create a premise for the province’s socio-economic development. Along with that, the streamlined arrangement of the apparatus has contributed to saving a part of the State budget, devoting resources to invest in economic development…

In the coming time, the Standing Board of the Provincial Party Committee will continue to direct agencies, units and Party committees at all levels to continue to thoroughly grasp and implement the contents of Resolution No.19-NQ/TW. In particular, it is required to fundamentally, comprehensively and synchronously renovate the system of public non-business units to ensure streamlined, effective and efficient operation in association with improving the quality of the contingent of officials and public employees… to meet the requirements in the new situation.