Friday,  09/20/2024

Creating consensus from face-to-face dialogue

In recent years, Party committees and authorities at all levels in the province have always focused on direct dialogue with the people. Through this, the people’s opinions and thoughts on all aspects of social life are timely listened, which helps the heads of the Party committees and authorities at all levels to come up with appropriate solutions, contributing to creating high consensus in society.

Ms. Giap Thi Bac, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Commission for Mass Mobilization of the Provincial Party Committee, said: “The direct dialogue is carried out according to Decision No. 320-QD/TU dated June 13, 2016 of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee on promulgating Regulation on direct dialogue between heads of Party committees and authorities at all levels and the People. Based on the actual situation, the Party committees and authorities at all levels hold dialogues to timely receive and respond to the people’s legitimate thoughts and aspirations.”

People raise their opinion at the dialogue between the heads of the Party committee and authority of Lang Son city and the People in 2022

Since the preparation, the Party committees and authorities at all levels have actively considered the actual situation to choose the appropriate form and content of the dialogues ranging from dialogue on general issues, thematic dialogue or dialogue at grassroots level of the superior; On October 25, 2022, Huu Lung District Party Committee held a dialogue between the heads of the Party Committee, district administration and the People. Here, the people were informed about the socio-economic development, national defense and security, Party and political system building… At the same time, there were 32 opinions related to compensation and site clearance; rural roads; objective and subjective factors affecting agricultural land …

With frankness and democracy, leaders of the District Party Committee, District People’s Committee, specialized divisions and commission of the district… have received and answered a number of questions at the dialogue. Regarding issues that were beyond their competence, the Party Committee and the government would continue to consider and send them to their superiors. Mr. Le Trang, Deputy Chief of the Office of the Huu Lung District Party Committee said: “After the dialogue, the Office of the District Party Committee sent written answers to the questions and opinions at the dialogue and suggested Party Committees of communes to widely popularize them to the people. This is a way by which people can monitor the reception and explanation of the Party committees and authorities on issues within People’s concern.”

Along with the district level, the organization of dialogues at the commune level has also been carried out methodically and seriously. Depending on the actual situation and the needs of the People, the Party Committees and the governments have flexibly chosen the topics and the time to organize dialogues, many commune-level units have organized two or more meetings per year to listen and answer to the aspirations of the people.

Mr. Nong Minh Cuong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Tu Doan Commune, Loc Binh District said: “In June 2022, we held a dialogue to answer questions on sand and gravel mining in the area. At the end of last September, the Party Committee continued to organize one more dialogue to receive the common recommendations, at which, the Party committees and commune authorities have answered over 80% of the questions of the people and received consent and support from them.”

A dialogue between the heads of the Party committee and administration of Loc Binh district and the People was held in November 2022

According to Decision No. 320-QD/TU of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Party committees and authorities at all levels organize dialogue at least once a year. From the beginning of 2022 up to now, 10/11 districts and Lang Son city have held dialogue in accordance with regulations (the remaining 1 district will hold it in December), some of them have held two dialogues or more which are Van Quan, Dinh Lap, Chi Lang. For commune level, up to now, more than 90% of communes, wards and towns have held dialogues, the rest will complete this task in November this year. The dialogues were held in a democratic, open atmosphere, for the common good, opinions often related to the implementation of welfares, land management and site clearance. …; Party committees and authorities have answered from 70 to 80% of the questions, some contents that needed to be verified and were beyong their authority were received and sent to higher level for solutions.

Mr. Le Van Thang, block 9, Dong Kinh ward, Lang Son city said: “Through dialogues, people’s complaints… are promptly resolved. Through this, we have more trust in the leadership of the Party Committee and administration of the authorities at all levels. I hope there will be more dialogues in the future to satisfy the legitimate needs of the people.”

It can be affirmed that the dialogues between the heads of the Party Committees and authorities at all levels have clearly contributed to promoting the people’s right of mastery. Through this, people can express their thoughts and their trust in the leadership and direction of Party committees and authorities at all levels in all aspects of social life will be strengthened. In the coming time, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee will continue to direct the Party committees and authorities at all levels to closely follow the grassroots level, to organize thematic and unusual dialogues depending on the actual situation and to pay attention to receiving and responding to people’s opinions after the dialogue.