Friday,  09/20/2024

Promoting the strength of the national great unity bloc in new rural development and civilized urban building

In the past time, the Fatherland Front Committees at all levels in the province have promoted their core role, actively and effectively implemented emulation movements and campaigns, especially the campaign “All people unite to build new rural area and civilized urban”.

The campaign “All people unite to build new rural area and civilized urban” was launched by the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front in 2015, focusing on encouraging the people to unite in economic development, promoting the tradition of mutual affection, mutual love and self-reliance in building new-style rural areas, building cultural life, protecting the environment, maintaining security and order…

People in Thuong Cuong commune, Chi Lang district participate in road construction

Mr. Nong Luong Chan, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee said: “To improve the quality and effectiveness of the campaign, every year, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee coordinates with the authorities, member organizations, sectors and Fatherland Front Committees at all levels in the province to implement the contents of the campaign, in association with the national target program on new rural development. In which, we have coordinated with functional sectors to implement the movement “Lang Son joins the whole country to build new-style rural areas”, mobilized organizations and individuals to donate for social welfare, coordinated with the provincial police force in encouraging the people to implement the movement “All people protect national security”, contributing to help localities to achieve new rural development standards. Additionally, we also guide the Fatherland Front Committees of districts and Lang Son city to coordinate in collecting people’s level of satisfaction in communes striving to meet new rural development standards…”

Specifically, the Fatherland Front Committees at all levels and its member organizations have promoted propaganda to raise awareness, to help people understand the value, great meaning and importance of new rural development, creating vibrant emulation movements among them. Thereby, people have actively responded with practical actions such as donating land for rural roads and public works, contributing working days, construction materials…

As a result, in 2021, the Fatherland Front system in the whole province has mobilized the People to donate over 107,900 m² of land and to contribute nearly 149,000 working days to construct rural roads and public works. From the beginning of 2022 until now, the People have donated over 55,900 m² of land and contributed nearly 116,000 working days to for new rural development. Typically, the Fatherland Front Committee of Van Lang district encouraged people to donate 15,900 m² of land; the Fatherland Front Committee of Van Quan district mobilized the People to donate more than 13,800 m² of land, the Fatherland Front Committee of Chi Lang district mobilized to donate 12,856 m² of land…

Besides, the activities to take care of and help the poor are effectively implemented by Fatherland Front Committees at all levels in the province. From the beginning of 2022 until now, the Fatherland Front at all levels has coordinated to financially support the construction of 171 great solidarity houses for poor households, with a total value of more than 7 billion VND. In which, the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee coordinated with the Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank to review and support the construction of 100 houses with a total value of 4 billion VND; coordinated with the Vietnam Forestry Corporation to hand over 10 great solidarity houses to disadvantaged families and poor households in Dinh Lap, Huu Lung and Loc Binh districts… Notably, this support has been selective, focusing on helping communes which are striving to meet the new rural standards to achieve the goals.

People in Loi Bac commune, Loc Binh district compete in tug of war at the great solidarity day in 2022

Ms. Hoang Thi Ly, Ho Son commune, Huu Lung district said: “I live alone, my house is in disrepair, I cannot afford to repair it. Thanks to the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee in cooperation with businesses to support me, after nearly 3 months of construction, in October 2022, I received a spacious and solid house. I am so touched and grateful for this support…”

Along with new rural development, activities to build civilized urban also received great attention from Fatherland Front Committees of many localities in the province with many practical activities. Ms. Hoang Thi Huyen, Chairwoman of Lang Son City Fatherland Front Committee said: “From the beginning of 2022 until now, the Fatherland Front at all levels in the city has encouraged 98.2% of households with construction to strictly comply with regulations in the construction and repair of houses; to actively participate in the construction of sidewalks, roads, civil works; to clean streets and alleys 25 times with 1,950 participants. In addition, we mobilized resources to support the construction and repair of 9 houses for poor and disadvantaged families… Thereby, it contributed to building an increasingly civilized and developed urban area. Currently, there are nearly 70 streets meeting civilized urban standards.”

With the active participation of the Fatherland Front system, the campaign “All people unite to build new rural area and civilized urban” in the area has achieved remarkable results. In 2022, the whole province has 1,584/1,676 residential areas registering for the title of cultural residential area, accounting for 95%; there are178,154/192,719 households registering for the title of cultural family, accounting for over 92% (currently under evaluation). Along with that, up to now, there are 75 communes in the area that met the standards of rural areas; 12 communes achieved the title of advanced rural area; 93 model residential areas and the application of 10 communes striving to meet the standards of rural areas in 2022 are in process.

The results of the campaign “All people unite to build new rural area and civilized urban” are the motivation for the Fatherland Front Committee at all levels in the province to continue encouraging People to respond to patriotic emulation movements, contributing to the implementation of the socio-economic development plan, ensuring national defense and security and improving the people’s quality of life.