Friday,  09/20/2024

The December’s Central Rapporteur’s Conference

On the morning of December 14, the Central Propaganda Commission held a December rapporteur conference in both face-to-face and online form to inform about the socio-economic situation in 2022 and summarize the oral propaganda work in 2022. Mr. Phan Xuan Thuy, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Commission chaired the conference.

Delegates attended the conference at the connection point of Lang Son province

At the connection point of Lang Son province, attending the conference were: Mr.Phung Quang Hoi, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Propaganda Commission of the Provincial Party Committee; Mrs. Giap Thi Bac, Member of Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee’s Mass Mobilization Commission; the contingent of reporters at the provincial level; representative of the leadership of the propaganda and training committee of a number of units.

At the conference, the delegates were informed by the leaders of the Ministry of Planning and Investment on the topic “Socio-economic situation in 2022, socio-economic development plan in 2023”. Accordingly, in 2022, under the leadership of the Party and the Government, the efforts of all levels and sectors, the participation of the whole political system, economy – society of our country continues to achieve important results. According to the assessment, there are 14/15 implementation targets that are met and exceeded by the plan assigned by the National Assembly.

Specifically, the Party committees and authorities at all levels have focused on drastically and effectively implementing the prevention and control of COVID-19; macroeconomic stability, inflation under control, economic growth recovered positively, GDP growth for the whole year was estimated at about 8%, exceeding the set target; special attention has been paid to the construction and improvement of institutions and laws, administrative reform, administrative procedures, and improvement of the business investment environment.

In order to effectively implement the socio-economic development plan in 2023, a number of tasks and solutions are given such as continuing to maintain macroeconomic stability, control inflation, promote growth, and ensure major balances of the economy; focusing on disease prevention and control; focusing on building and perfecting institutions, enforcing laws, ensuring discipline and discipline; focusing on developing and perfecting a synchronous strategic infrastructure system, especially traffic infrastructure; promoting information, communication, creating social consensus…

During the program, the delegates were informed about some results of oral communication in 2022. Currently, there are more than 620 thousand reporters at all levels and grassroots propagandists. In 2022, the propaganda commission and the team of reporters at all levels actively and promptly advised the leadership committees and directed the organization to carry out oral propaganda tasks such as studying, grasping, propagating and implementing directives and resolutions of the Party, policies and laws of the State; at the same time advising on building, supplementing, consolidating, training and implementing regimes and policies for the contingent of reporters at all levels and grassroots propagandists.

Addressing the propaganda orientation in the coming time, Mr. Phan Xuan Thuy, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda Commission requested the contingent of reporters at all levels to continue propagating the results of socio-economic development of the whole country in 2022 to all cadres, party members and people of all strata; results of oral communication and orientations and tasks in 2023.

Additionally, he requested the contingent to focus on propagating external activities, attending important international conferences of Party and State leaders; propagate the Resolution of the 6th Conference, the 13th Party Central Committee, the results of the 4th session of the 15th National Assembly; propagate the organization of the 2023 Lunar New Year and a number of major anniversaries and holidays in the year…